When will me hair start growing back?

I'm 4 1/2 months post-op and my hair has been falling out for the last month. I don't see any new growth. When will my hair start growing back? Do I have to wait until the loss is done, before it comes back? Thanks for your help!    — Christine L. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
I started losing my hair BY THE HANDFULS at around month 3. Thought for sure I'd be the *one* to go bald. It lasted about 3 months and then suddenly stopped. Now , at 8 months, I can see the new growth. It is about an inch long now. I also started taking 2400mg of Biotin daily. Don't know if that helped with the hair growing back or not but figured it can't hurt.
   — Kim B.

August 17, 2002
Mine started falling out at 3 months and stopped at 6 months. But no new growth yet-hopefully in the next month or so??
   — Cindy R.

August 17, 2002
I started losing my hair immediatly after surgery. I was told by my doctor I propibly would since my haair is very very thin and sparce to start with. About 2 weeks ago I started to take BIOTIN 5 mg and zink 50 mg and my hair is sprouting new growth. I am very pleasd. I only hope it continues. When I went in to see him yesterday for my weigh in he even noticed. Also make sure you get in your protein and water. I think this has also helped. Try this Biotin 5 mg (once a day only), I think it will help alot. Good luck, sandy
   — sandy W.

August 17, 2002
My hairloss started almost three months post-op to the day. I am almost four months post-op and my hair comes out daily by the handfuls. I run a brush through my hair and it's full of hair. I called my doctor and he said there is absolutely nothing you can do. It's your body's reaction to the surgery and the rapid weightloss. He claimed it would stop at sixth months and my hair would come back healthier and thicker than before. But he repeated and was very vocal about not wasting money on supplements of any kind. Of course, that's just my doctor. I know some people take extra zink. Open RNY 4/29/02 -68.5
   — stacey L.

August 17, 2002
I also started losing hair at 3 months. It continued to fall out until 6 mos. I'm not really sure if it was falling out at the root or maybe just breaking off.(??) Normally, my hair is very shiny and supple. At 2 months, it got very dry, lifeless and brittle. It is now coming back, and looks much better that it did just one month ago. I took 2 multivitamins, Zinc and Biotin and ate a minimum of 75 grams of protein a day and STILL had hairloss. My sugreon tells me that it is expected, and is the body's response to the shock of the drastic reduction in caloric intake post-op. As they say, this too shall pass...By the way, I've lost 91 pounds and gone from a size 26 1/2 W to a 16 Missy!! What's a little hair, right?? My advice is to trim your hair every three weeks (blunt cut, no razor), deep condition twice a week and keep on smiling. Trust me, no one notices your hair when you are losing weight before their eyes!! Good luck, Diane
   — DianeN

August 18, 2002
Mine started coming out in mass quantities at four months, and now at six it still is. MY surgeon said it will likely continute until I stop this rapid weight loss. I don't use any supplements for it - I did for a while and they didn't seem to work. Hopefully it will only be another month or so - there's already a very dramatic difference in the appearance of my hair.
   — PaulaM

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