When is the right time to take vitamins?

When is the best time to take calcium and a multi-vitamin? With meals? Just after a meal? On an empty stomach? Will I absorb more of the vitamin if I take it with a meal? I'm currently taking 3 500 mg capsules of calcium citrate taken seperately throughout the day. How much time between calcium pills should I give before taking another one? Also, I'm taking a multi-vitamin seperately from my calcium. Lastly, I take my iron pill (which has iron, folic acid and instrinsic factor in it) at bedtime. Thanks for your help!    — Christine L. (posted on August 13, 2002)

August 13, 2002
Make sure you do not take your calcium at the same time as the iron. Calcium can interfere with Iron absorption. I would space the calcium out about every 4-6 hours and take the multi-vite at bedtime with my iron. I recommend taking them with food though, for absorption. With your regimen, I would go calcium at breakfast, iron/multi at lunch, calcium around 3 or 4, and calcium at supper or as late as bedtime. Hope this helps.
   — Tina B.

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