Has anyone had chronic pain since their WLS?

I've had chronic back and abdominal pain since about 3 weeks after my RNY on 4/5/02. I had my gallbladder removed 5 weeks after the RNY, but the pain has remained. Are there others out there having pain issues since surgery?    — Christine L. (posted on August 11, 2002)

August 11, 2002
How does water taste? Have you had blood work yet? Do you know where your protein & albumin levels are? Are you still nauseated? When? How long after eating/drink or not related?
   — vitalady

August 11, 2002
For the last three weeks I've had chronic back pain. (I almost never have backaches). Anyway, my doctor thinks it's ether kidney stones or a kidney infection. I've just completed anti biotics which have helped. But it's not completely gone. My gallbladder was removed at 10 months post op. (I'm now 15 months post op). So I would'nt be to surprised if it was kidney stones. However I never knew it could cause backaches.
   — Danmark

August 11, 2002
I have had pain in my LEFT side since surgery, 8 months ago. Have been on Hydrocodone. I'd have to say it (the pain) has got better the past 3 weeks. I've had 2 cat scans that showed nothing. All labs are good too. Doc seems to think I am pulling scar tissue when I do house cleaning etc. I had complications after surgery and was in the hospital for a month. I lost a lot of muscle so I think it could be muscle pain too.
   — Kim B.

August 11, 2002
Michelle, to answer your questions: I don't know what my albumin and protein levels are, because my surgeon won't perform the blood tests, even though I'm 4 months post-op. However, I did discuss this with my PCP and he stated that was probably not the problem. Pain does increase in my back and abdoment during and after eating, and it usually doesn't matter what I eat. The pain also increases with activity, and I have difficulty standing in one position for more than a minute or two, and then I start to feel like I'm going to pass out. Once moving I'm okay, it's just the standing still part.
   — Christine L.

August 11, 2002
I don't know if this is what you are feeling or not but I am 9 weeks post-op and I have stabbing pain on both sides of my belly button. It is soooo much worse when I am standing. By the end of the day, it is hard for me to even be on my feet long enough at one time to cook dinner with out taking a break and sitting for a minute. My doctor told me that I would feel this for a few months. It is everything re-attaching to the walls of the abdomin,
   — Candi B.

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