I am scheduled for surgery in two days. I have developed a bad cold. Reschedule?

My surgery date is 8/13. It is 8/11 and I have a bad cold with cough and some sinus congestion. Will this cause me to have to reschedule my surgery? How long can I wait to see how I am feeling before letting my surgeon know? I am so bummed out. Any help?    — maureen K. (posted on August 11, 2002)

August 10, 2002
I don't see any way you can have the surgery at this time. It would be 'very dangerous' to have it now. Heck, it's hard enough doing the deep breathing after surgery to prevent pnemonia. With the cold, you would already have a head start. You should tell your surgeon IMMEDIATELY! Who knows, perhaps someone who is sheduled (say in Sept) can take your slot and you can take theirs? Just a thought.
   — Danmark

August 10, 2002
I agree with Daniel---my instructions said that if I was to get ill to call my surgeon immediately---
   — Linda L.

August 10, 2002
Call your doctor for his advise first thing monday! I had surgery June 11th of this year, I developed a cold and hoarseness about 2 days prior to surgery. I had everything all arranged and planned and being a nurse decided to handle it myself and not tell anyone. Not a very good plan- I totally lost my voice after surgery due to further throat irritation(so I could not even voice my needs), I had lots of trouble with mucous and coughing(ouch that hurts!) and found it difficult to use my incentive spirometer because my chest was congested. It all worked out o.k. but it was a very dangerous and stupid thing for me to do.
   — Pam W.

August 10, 2002
You poor dear. It amazes me what we MO will do to get this surgery. I admit it, I want it so bad I would be taking megga doses of vitimac C and pretending I was feeling oh so much better. I think you should call your doctor. Maybe since you are just coming down with it they can give you something. If not, I am sure they can find a way to swap you with someone else. After all, you can't be the only one who had to change their date. I wish you luck, and just for the record. I would not be above sitting next to someone in the waiting room who is scheduled for a week or so out and caughing all over them! LOL - just kidding. G.W.S.
   — Pam G.

August 11, 2002
Call your surgeon, it may not be a big deal. I had an ear infection and am on antibotics and I am fine for mine on Thursday. I also, my friend has surgery in April and has a head cold/sinus infection and they didn't postpone either. Call your doctor, don't stress anymore till you talk to him....Stressing will only make you worry and prevent recovery sooner.
   — heathercross

August 11, 2002
I had a cold the week before my surgery. As soon as I got sick I called my surgeon's nurse to tell her. She told me that as long as the drainage wasn't "green and goopy" and I wasn't running a fever that I should be fine. I was just having sinus drainage and coughing from that. Let your surgeon know ASAP. If worse comes to worse, you may just have to try to switch dates with someone who is having surgery soon after you. Good luck and I hope you feel better! =)
   — Tanya B.

August 11, 2002
Hi, I noticed that you live in Illinois. Is it possible you are suffering from allergies (hayfever)? Here in KY ,which is the allergy capitol of the world, there is a lot of similarity when it comes to comparing the two. I'm sure you know best from your symptoms. I personally see no problem in proceeding with the surgery if you are running no fever unless you are having some chest congestion. Chest congestion may make pneumonia easier to form and thrive. You didn't mention it, so I assume it isn't a problem. Wait until the morning of surgery, it may be completely gone by then. Get you some Sudafed (unless your doctor says no) and some vicks vapo rub and get that stuff draining so you will dry up. God Bless, and Good Luck.
   — Tina B.

August 11, 2002
I had surgery (not WLS) several years ago and developed a terrrible head cold with stuffed sinuses and sore throat. I was on the gurney crying in misery when the anesthesiologist came by and asked what was wrong. I told him that I couldn't breathe (and also that I was scared and depressed)and he said, "No problem- I can fix all of that!" and he did-with one little shot. If I were you I would go for my surgery and see what the professionals recommend. Good luck!!!
   — Rebecca T.

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