Too much protien?!?
I am a 24 yr old female - I had the LAP on 07/10/02 - went great! My nut. and surg. say that atleast 50 grams of protien a day. I have a GREAT shake mix that gives me 37 grams a serving. I want to know - how much protien is enough? Min for women is 50 grams, what is the max? Thanks for your help! I don't know how much I have lost, I have my first appointment on July 23rd, I'll keep my page updated!! Thanks!!!!! — AphY Girl (posted on July 16, 2002)
July 16, 2002
The amount of protein you need depends on your lean body mass (LBM) which
is the amount of "good stuff" (muscle, bones, organs, blood,
etc.) in your body. You can find this by calculating your % body fat. has an easy calculator that only needs height, weight,
and ab/hip measurements. The added bonus is that it also tells you how many
grams of protein you need to maintain your LBM.<p>You will probably
not be breaking any records getting in your protein until you get on real
foods. The number I have seen most often associated with protein
consumption is max absorbable of 35 grams per sitting. So your drink sounds
great! You want to eat enough protein to maintain your LBM, but too much is
hard on your kidneys. I try for 100 grams a day (77 g is recommended for my
LBM). Sometimes I make it, sometimes not.
— ctyst
July 17, 2002
Too much is something like over 300 grams/day. You're barely getting
enough with a minimum of 50 grams. I'd shoot for at least 75-100 grams.
More if you can.
Diane Norcross
— DianeN
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