Is this caused by IV's

I had open RNY on 4/5/02, gallbladder removal on 5/14/02 after 5 days in the hospital on IV fluids only, and then had an endoscopy 2 days ago. Also, I've been to the ER twice where they also inserted IV's. Each time I need another IV, the nurses have a harder time inserting them. I think I've had about 15 IV's (including failed attempts) over the last 8 weeks. My hands have started feeling tingly, and today it's really noticable. Could this be from all those IV's?    — Christine L. (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 1, 2002
I'm not a health care professional, so I would recommend asking your doctor or a nurse. But I think it's possible. My husband had an IV a couple of years ago, and they had trouble finding his vein. They had to keep poking him and poking him until they could find it. To this day he still has tingling and numbness in that hand.
   — Kristie B.

June 1, 2002
I have a horror story for you. I was sent to emergency room because a cat bite that turn my hand swollen and they put the Iv in and I could feel shooting pains and numbness all through out my hand. There are nerve ending in your hands. You know really it the technique there using to put iv in. I personally have put in iv in animals not people and if you don't know the technique well your more likily to cause bruising and some nerve damage. It all heals with time try an ice pack over the area it should soothe it.
   — sheri B.

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