Should I be taking Vioxx post-op?

I had Open RNY on 4/5/02 and gallbladder removal on 5/14/02, but I'm still having severe back and abdominal pain. I will be having an endoscopy done next week to determine if I have an ulcer. In the meantime the weekend on call surgeon gave me a prescription for Vioxx to help with the back pain. Should I really be taking this if they suspect I have an ulcer or at all?    — Christine L. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
My doc said Vioxx was a no-no, since it's an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) drug.
   — Terissa R.

May 18, 2002
My Dr said NO way to vioxx, motrin, any Nsaid. They CAUSE ulsers.
   — Sassy M.

November 13, 2002
My doctor gave me a list of meds to stop taking two weeks before surgery and that I should never take them after surgery. Vioxx was on the list. All drugs containing aspirin are a no-no.
   — Jane S.

November 13, 2002
Christine, My doctors have a different opinion than the previous posters. I am 10 mos post and my surgeon told me I could take Vioxx. He said that if it didn't give me problems in the past in most likely wouldn't now. I hate taking the chance by taking it but I have rhuematoid arthritis and can't function without it. I wish there was something else safer to take(if anyone has any suggestions I am willing to listen!)I thought losing some of my weight might help but after losing 171 lbs (100lbs more to goal)I still need to take it. Please follow your own doctors recommendation. Good Luck and Take Care, Toni
   — toni D.

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