Should my sprained ankle still be hurting?

I sprained my ankle about 6 weeks ago. Despite taking Naproxen for pain and swelling and wearing an ankle brace, my ankle is still swollen, stiff and painful. I'm not able to flex my foot down as far as my other foot. Does anyone know if this is normal? Will I ever have full range of motion again?    — Christine L. (posted on January 26, 2002)

January 26, 2002
I have sprained my ankles many times, it takes along time to get the strength and full movement, it has to heal on the inside as well as the outside,,soak your ankle in alternating cold then hot water,(10 minutes or so each temp) the cold will take the swelling down and the hot will help to loosen it up, hope this helps..
   — bikerchic

January 26, 2002
Time to see your doctor, again. You could of ripped something or have a bone chip. These are fixable but better fixed before they become chronic. They might give you rehab exercises too.
   — bob-haller

January 26, 2002
Really sprained ankles take longer to heal than broken ankles. Ihave had both,and the Dr's that I have seen say that you tear more ligaments, muscles, and tendons with a sprain. It has to do with the way you turn your ankle when you twist it. As for full range of motion, you may never have that again. It really depends on how bad the sprain was. You do need to be exercising it though. You may need to see a doctor. Most of all though, you have to be patient and give it plenty of time to heal.
   — MnShadows

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