What are the chances of bowel obstructions after surgery?

I've read about a few people having bowel obstructions after having WLS. Does anyone know if this is a complication directly related to WLS and if yes, what are the chances of it happening.    — Christine L. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 23, 2002
My understanding is that bowel obstructions are rare, but when they occur it's usually due to adhesions that have formed around the intestine and caused it to narrow. I've also heard of intestinal "kinking", but again very rare. The incidence of bowel obstruction reported in various papers seems to be around 1-2%.
   — mmagruder

January 23, 2002
I am 18 months post op and have had two obstructions requiring hospitalization. The first was within 3 days of surgery and I had to have another surgery to correct. The second was 17 months post op and it was resolved without surgery by having a gastric tube and no food or drink for three days. It happens but quite frankly even knowing what I know now, I would still have the surgery. Its not a deal-killer for me.
   — Mary G.

January 23, 2002
I am home right now recovering from a bowel obstruction surgery that I had about 5 weeks ago. I return to work next week (YAY) Read my profile or webpage for more information about what happened to me and my experience with this surgery and hospital stay. Bowel obstructions are not a direct complication of having WLS. It can happen with any type of abdominal surgery; a c-section, gallbladder surgery, apendix surgery, etc. Scar tissue sometimes forms after abdominal surgery and can wrap around and block the intestines. Surgery is sometimes needed to correct, but not always. I don't know what the percentage of incidence is, but know that it can happen. Regardless, I would have WLS again in a New York minute. I am 14 months post op and down 140 pounds. Please don't allow this possible complication change your mind about WLS. It saved my life. Good luck,
   — enjo4

April 13, 2002
4-13-02 I had a bowel obstruction after my wls and had to go back in for surgery just 5 days later. My doctor said that where the intestines were reattached, that as they started to heal they folded over and stayed that way,which in turn prevented any thing from passing through.I was very sick and got so bad dehydrated that I lost 30 lbs. in 6 days.
   — Pamela R.

December 27, 2002
I am two years post op from a complete hysterectomy and i have had fluid coming out of my belly button and my new doc said i have a bowl obstruction. I did not realize this until reading this site, I have learned most of what people get and can get are the same with any surgery! and being obese you will definately end up have some kind of surgery. You never know what is going to happen! I had a scan with contrast and have had several well this last one my face was very swollen yet it never happened before! so you see you just dont know. That is why I am scared!ever surgeryI have had has gone wrong but who knows this one may go good.
   — caskid6

October 15, 2003
I have had a bowel obstruction a year post-op. Ihad the Roux En Y gastric bypass (lap). Anyway, it is a very very painful thing that required me to have another surgery to alleviate the condition. Hopefully it will never happen again, but I was told that this condition can indeed re-occur at any time. Even with this, though, I would never regret my descion to have WLS.
   — Melissa C.

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