Can someone help me draft a letter for my insuracne co?

I need some help.I see my surgeon on MOnday oct 1 and I am desperately trying to get everything the insurance company needs prepared..I have two dr supervides diets.. Can someone help me with a letter to insurance..also I have a list of the co-morbs and all the diets...I am missing some I just cant think, I am so nervous, can someone please help me. I would be so appreciative    — tylerswife (posted on September 23, 2001)

September 23, 2001
Look at the profile linked to my name... I have my notes that I used for my conference call with the greivance committee.
   — LAK

September 23, 2001
Rebecca; In "your journey" they cover that, I used their format with my needs in place of theirs. It is really helpful. The resouce is in the getting insurance approval part of the "my journey!" Hope this helps..
   — Dorothy B.

September 12, 2002
One of the pts I made in my letter was the fact that I would soon be unable to work because of my weight. I also included sheer emotional things like getting stuck in a restaurant booth and my daughter not wanting me to go to school functions because she gets teased. Then I mention the health issues, my knees back, hips, asthma, hygiene issues. It was 2 1/2 pages long. I did my best to make them like me and to make them cry when they read it. I also included 2 pages of photos that I took to a color copier. Each photo had a caption that was weight related. Things like this picture was taken the last time we went camping, I no longer camp with my family because sleeping on the ground is too painful and I can't find a cot strong enough to hold me. Good luck
   — donice N.

September 13, 2002
I agree with Susan's comment...I had to appeal to my husbands Human resources department because they are self-funded and only they could change the decision.Well, I just gave all the facts and I did not have allot of co-morbids..but I really impressed upon the HR director that I was without a doubt going to get worse as time went on. I have 2 kids, but only mentioned that in describing my daily routine that was getting harder to do. I gave the facts about the surgery and my aftercare. I was also relentless, I think she finally approved me because I just would not go away. Anyway, best wishes, let your doctor do the paperwork, if denied, then you put pen to paper, seriously, and just the facts.
   — Patricia R.

August 8, 2005
try going to and there are some sample letters there to check out. i didn't have a problem with my insurance so i didnt need it but found the website by mistake..good luck! peggy
   — peggy B.

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