What other books can I read to get more info?

I have read Weight Loss Surgery... Understanding & Overcoming Obesity. I saw something in, and now I can't find anything. I think they have used books also, and that would be fine too. Thanks.    — JoAnne Z. (posted on August 1, 2001)

July 31, 2001
Barbara Thompson's book was excellent as well. You can order it at (it might be .org, I'm not sure). Good luck! Also some good sights are and
   — Kimberly L.

August 1, 2001
I borrowed a book from my local library. I like free things! It's written by Dr. Norman Ackerman and it's called "Fat No More." I enjoyed the book, in fact I finished it in 3 days. I have been trying to research this for a while and I've only found three books on weight loss surgery out there.
   — Goldilauxx B.

August 1, 2001
I agree, "Weight Loss Surgery, Finding The Thin Person Hiding Inside You!" by Barbara Thompson is very good. If you read this book you will have every question answered and be very prepared. It is terrific. ( or toll free 877-440-1518)
   — Tracie B.

August 1, 2001
i just want to thank you for asking this question. and i thank everyone who respond. i have had the worse time lookin for books. but thank to you guys i called and ordered it..thank you..:):):)
   — sherry F.

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