Does any post op have leg cramps?

I am nearly two years post op and have been having leg pains. It feels like leg cramping from the thigh area to the foot. It seem like arthritis (sp) but I don't what arthritis feels like. I can barely stand on it when it get like that. Does any one have any idea what that can be?    — Sharon T. (posted on March 10, 2002)

March 10, 2002
I don't think it's arthritis. Arthritis is usually felt mostly in the joints. The leg cramps can be because of electrolyte imbalances. Electrolytes are part of you blood, things like potassium, sodium, etc. If you're not getting enough water, those can get out of balance and cause cramps.
   — garw

March 10, 2002
I have both and what you are describing sounds like the muscle cramps I get when I am low on potassium. Try taking a supplement and see if they go away.
   — livnliter

March 10, 2002
I agree with the other 2 on getting your electrolytes checked out. If that is ok, I would see a chiropractor and find out if your not having radiculopathy, a radiating pain down your extremeties caused from your back being out of alignment. I had this and it was because of my body was adjusting to my new weight, standing different etc. I had a few adjustments and felt much better. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

March 10, 2002
Please do not wait this out...if it is a potassium deficiency it can affect your heart...have this checked out the meantime if you can tolerate it eat a banana and drink orange juice daily.. both are high in potassium. Good luck.
   — Diane Z.

March 10, 2002
I notice I get cramps in my legs when I am low on water. Check that out and get that multivitamin with potassium!
   — blank first name B.

March 10, 2002
If it's low potassium it could be dangerous. I've had some close calls with it. Don't wait.
   — Danmark

March 11, 2002
Is this after excercise, or after you have been walking, or shopping? I have heard that when you excercise your muscles produce Folic acid, and that normally after you are done excercising it reabsorbs into the muscle. sometimes it doesnot reabsorb all the way, and just sits there on the muscle which restimulates the muscle into thinking it is working out causing the muscle to contract. Don't know if this is right, or not. I heard it a long time ago.
   — sbinkerd1

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