I am 2 1/2 wks post op and wake up every 1-2 hours at night - HELP!

I cannot seem to get more than 1-2 hours sleep before waking, and I am still tired. Eventually I get back to sleep, but the cycle repeats. Any suggestions?    — Krista L. S. (posted on August 31, 2001)

August 31, 2001
I had the same problem for about 3 weeks and i am just now getting to sleep most of the night.I was told it takes quite a while to get all the medications out of our system.I was like you woke up every 2 hrs and then the next day i was tired,but it does get better and i am sleeping lots better now.Good Luck.Linda
   — Linda M.

August 31, 2001
I was still sore at that stage post-op and it disturbed my sleep. I am usually a side/stomach sleeper. That did NOT jive with the surgery. I was sleeping on my back for comfort and I think that in my sleep I would try to roll on my side, it would hurt, and I would wake up. When the soreness faded, so did my sleep problems. Hope yours do the same!
   — ctyst

August 31, 2001
I had the same problem. I am now almost 4 weeks out and I am just this week starting to sleep (for the most part) through the night. It was really frustrating for me to be so tired and yet unable to sleep. I started crushing up a Tylenol PM about 15 min. before I go to sleep and taking that. It really helped get me to sleep and keep me to sleep for at least a good 4-5 hours...which was better than 1 or 2! It has subsided a LOT though over the past few days and I really am quite comfortable at night now. Hang in there! It will get better!
   — Jenper

August 31, 2001
Maybe two obvious suggestions...are you still taking pain meds? They affected my sleep greatly. Also, are you napping during the day still? Once I stopped doing these 2 things I was able to sleep through the night. Good Luck.
   — Molly S.

August 31, 2001
Hi... I'm 2 and 1/2 weeks post-op too and have the same problem. I attribute it to the hospital schedule and their waking me up every two hours for vitals or some such. I've been home from the hospital 4 days, and it's already getting better. Also, some of the pain meds might still be working through your system.
   — Nancy G.

August 31, 2001
That is one of the after-effects of anesthesia....I have been "under" 5 times in the last 10 years, and each time this was a problem for me for a few weeks after the surgeries. It is a common side-effect and will get better with time. Anesthesia does strange things to your body, and your emotions......
   — Cathy J.

September 1, 2001
I experienced the same thing. I only found one thing that helped me. Walks. I would go for a walk about an hour before I was ready to go to bed. The walks wore me out so much that I would sleep for about six hours. I didn't even have to walk very far. Only walk as far as you feel comfortable. Sweet Dreams.
   — Carla C.

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