I am going through my pre op testing and the Dr I saw

for my pulmonary clearance has ordered an echocardiogram and an ABG. I will also have a sleep test. Depending on these results I may need a heart catheterization. I am also having a stress test. Has any one else had this battery of tests? If so can you tell me about them. This Dr told me the reason for my swollen ankles is that my heart is working hard from my sleep apnea and that I probably have pulmonary hypertension. I looked that up on the web and it sounds pretty scarey. I did not know that sleep apnea had serious consequences.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 24, 2001)

August 25, 2001
Yes, this is a fairly standard battery of tests. And yes, sleep apnea can be very dangerous, even life threatening. All of these problems need to be detected pre-op if possible. It will help you get insurance approval and make sure your body kind survive the surgery. Also, if you have a long wait before surgery you may need treatment for these conditions in the meantime. Good luck.
   — kcanges

August 25, 2001
I have details about the ABG & Echo in my profile. Perhaps that would be helpful to you.
   — Kathy J.

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