I hadn't had a cigarette in quite some time (months) but I went out on Saturday night

I had ONE cigarette... I am concerned because I am having surgery on Wednesday. I think I have heard that cig's thin your blood... which can increase the chances of excess bleeding during surgery. It was a menthol (also bad for the lungs). I am scared that it will affect my surgery. Is 4 days long enough to get it out of my system?    — Jen S. (posted on August 12, 2001)

August 12, 2001
Hey Jen, I am 4 days post op and I haven't had a cigarette since the night before surgery. So you should be alright. I couldn't completely quit before hand, but I did cut back and I had my last one the night before surgery. I did not have one at all the day of and that was real hard for me. I was very nervous and really wanted one, but I made it without one and my surgery went very well. So good luck to u!!!
   — ncgal

August 12, 2001
Not to scare you but, my surgeon wouldn't do surgery on anyone if they hadn't quit smoking 3 weeks prior to surgery. I find it hard to believe that 1 cigarette would hurt you. Just ask your surgeon. Good luck
   — Carla C.

August 12, 2001
Hi Jen. Don't sweat it. I had my last cig the night before surgery and smoked a couple of days after I got home. HOWEVER, my surgeon would NOT perform the surgery if I hadn't been smoke free for at least 6 weeks. I'm not saying you should lie, but I don't think one cig will do any damage. I also had a girlfriend whose surgeon doesn't care if his patients smoke.
   — [Anonymous]

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