I am 3 mo. post op and having problems with intermittent diarrhea, to the point of

when I got to go, I got to go NOW! Afraid to even leave the house. Any store, I know where the bathroom is! What's up with that? Could it be a sign of lactose intolerance? Becoming frustrated, any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 1, 2001)

August 1, 2001
Well I have no idea why you are having it,but I have always had it and now that I'm post op I take a half a Fiber Choice it works so great I finally feel free....I'm going to try a quarter of one and see if it is enough for me or not but it is fiber and that is a good thing. You can get it at walmart.Hope it helps.
   — Sharon F.

August 1, 2001
You may be lactose intolerant. I went from very loose stools at any given moment (what you are describing) to almost constipation, this was after I quit all milk products.
   — blank first name B.

August 1, 2001
I also have this problem. I can go weeks with no problem. Then perhaps have a day or two where I'd better be very close to a bathroom or else. I talked to my surgeon's nurse practitioner. She said it was SOMETHING I'm eating and it could be anything. Something I've eaten in the last 24 hours, but more likely something eaten in the last 12 hours. In my case, I don't think it's lactose intolerance since I have milk in my coffee every day, but don't have this problem every day. She suggested keeping a food diary and trying to determine what it might be.
   — Gina E.

August 2, 2001
Hi! Soy and soy products can sometimes do it! What does the doctor have to say?
   — lovebug2

August 2, 2001
You know, it could be a result of having your gall bladder out. I had mine out 14 years ago and had that problem ever since. However, I learned which foods and drinks set it off and tried to avoid those. You do need to keep a food diary and evaluate yourself. Coffee does this to me, but I still drink it -- just not in the early morning if I'm heading out of town on a trip! Learn to listen to your own body and you'll do well. Yes, you may be turning lactose intolerant at about this point after surgery, it happened to me, but now I'm back to being ok with milk at over a year postop. Our body goes through a number of changes.
   — Cindy H.

August 2, 2001
I had exactly the same problem. At one year out, however, it is getting alot better. Yes, lactose is a problem. Probably coffee is a problem. I still enjoy two hue mugs of coffee in the morning, however. I just am sure to time it well. Also, for me, fat is a problem, even a bit of olive oil in my salad dressing. Again, once you know what the problem foods are, you can time when you eat them. I dump on anything with sugar or too much fat and my dumping usually takes the form of intense gas pains and diarrhea. I feel that knowing what to expect, and eating accordingly is half the battle. Sometimes I choose to eat something that I know will give me cramps...but I weigh it and decide if it is worth the pain first.
   — Anne G.

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