What kind of menu for right after surgery

surgery is 1 month away.What can I do to find things to drink for my first month post-op. Iam scared of drinking the wrong things.want to find something healthy that won't make me sick.    — Pam W. (posted on July 28, 2001)

July 28, 2001
Hi Pam, congratulations on your upcoming date. I had a hard time drinking all of my water at first. But, here are a few things that can either be used for drinking or eating. I was on a liquid diet for 3 weeks. The easiest things for me was tomato soup,sugar free jello and sugar free pudding, crystal lite, and nonfat, low cal, low sugar yogart like dannon lite-n-fit. I hope this helps you. Carla
   — Carla C.

July 28, 2001
Beef Broth, chicken broth, jello, apple juice diluted with water, sugar free popsicles, peppermint tea (it is decaf and settles the tummy).
   — Barbara B.

July 30, 2001
Your doc. will let you known what to eat/not eat you'll see, depending on what kind of surgery, and your particular doc. Some doc say no liquid diet, only protein, some say liquids for 2-6 weeks it just depends. Also what makes other people sick may not make you sick. Some people can eat pizza and cake ( in moderation) and others "dump" or it makes them feel so bad they never touch the stuff. I think it's best to check w/ your doctor.
   — Cindee A.

December 11, 2005
Hello, I am a year and a half post op and down almost 250 pounds. In the first couple of weeks after surgery I had a hard time with the liquid diet because I didn't know what i could or couldn't drink. Going on this site helped me a lot, I drank the apple juice diluted with water, sugar free choc. ice pops, my biggest thing was making oodles and noodles and draining the broth from that, it really takes away the "head hunger" (for me it did anyway). I think it had something to do with cooking the noodles with it, i guess the starch from the noodles probably, but i lived on it. My cousin just had the surgery two weeks ago and shes having the same problem, i gave her my suggestion about the oodles and noodles and she hasn't stopped thanking me, she also now goes to the chinese food store and gets the wonton soup and drinks that. I hope this helps. Bobbi
   — fun101777

December 12, 2005
I just had surgery 12/5/05 and am still in the liquid diet. I had /have 'head hunger' for sure. But I am dealing with it in several ways. First of all, we need to get in the required amount of protein, so I will have 3-4oz milk (1% or skim) with 1 1/2 - 2 scoops of protein powder twice daily or more. Each scoop gives me 18-20 grams of protein depending on what powder I use. I have a variety of powders. So, I have at least 36-40g protein for breakfast if I can finish the whole thing. I try to take about 45 minutes to an hour to drink it. This helps get the day going. If I don't finish the shake for breakfast, I will have another one for lunch - maybe one scoop or a scoop and a half. Then, at dinner I have another shake with 2 scoops. For in between, I find that sugar-free ice pops are one of my closest friends - it makes you feel like you are actually eating something. I also have strained cream of chicken soup (my favorite treat), chicken and/or beef broth, crystal light drinks, water, ice chips, and jello. I mix it up good. All these things help to deal with the head hunger and fill me up. And having a variety at least makes you feel somewhat normal.
   — leeguna

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