Has anyone been approved for surgery w/o PCP approval?

My primary physician has given me a referral for consult only. She feels the surgery is NOT necessary. Help!!!! Has anyone else had this problem?    — Amanda P. (posted on July 17, 2001)

July 17, 2001
My PCP would not approve the surgery for me. I told him and the insurance I wanted a second opinion and was sent to the surgon. Everything was handled by his office. After my surgery I changed PCP. Good luck. Donna WV
   — Donna A.

July 17, 2001
Yes, my PCP said I wasn't fat enough. Although my BMI was over 40 and I had tried every diet. Including presciptions from him. I had him give me a physical and sent it to the surgeon. He accepted it as a referral. The surgeon never asked for any more information and I didn't offer it. Scheduled for surgery Aug 7th :)
   — [Anonymous]

July 18, 2001
I didn't even ask my PCP. If your insurance allows you to self refer, then you don't need to talk about it with anyone but your surgeon.
   — blank first name B.

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