I can't stop eating after RNY

I am 8 weeks post-op and I think I am eating way too much. I have no problems with dumping. If fact, I can eat anything I want. That's the problem. I can't stop myself. I am terrified I am going to stretch my pouch, or that it's too big to begin with, but I can't seem to stop eating. Yes, I eat a lot less than I used to, but for the last 3 weeks I haven't lost any weight. I lost 50 lbs really quickly and now NOTHING!!! How do I get my weight loss started up again? I'm terrified I won't lose any more weight.    — arialee (posted on July 23, 2001)

July 22, 2001 can't eat everything and still expect to lose weight. Remember, this is a tool. You've got to commit yourself to changing your lifestyle within this window of opportunity that you have to lose weight. Your body is doing the work for you for a while but once it realizes what's "going on", you'd better have some concrete habits into place. Reread your post -- you say that you can eat anything you want, that you can't stop yourself. Then you ask how to get your weight loss started up again. Do you have an external source of support? Support group? Exercise partner? Friends to remain accountable to? Do you keep a food journal? Do you drink enough water? Protein supps? Turn the energy you are using to worry into action and get out and exercise, make a plan, get some support, and go. Good luck. I know it's hard. But it really is up to you.
   — Kimberly L.

July 22, 2001
Kimberly has given you very good advise weather you choose to follow it is entirely up to you. make sure your protein supplementation is high this will keep you from being hungry get that water in and if you still have problems getting yourself under control get professional help. This surgery is the most precious gift I could have been given it is a second chance at a normal life , noone, not myself or my old friend food (that hurt me every chance it got!) will destroy this for me , and I thank God every day that I have been given this gift when so many suffering people here have been denied by there ins. companies.
   — Rose A.

July 23, 2001
Kimberly seems to have said it all....listen to her. I just want to add that it's very important to be part of a support group, you really do need it. It helps keep you focused. I thought I could "eat anything" and lose weight also...I did and lost over 100lbs. But, three years after my rny, I had gained 20lbs. and I had never reached my goal weight. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Eat right, drink plenty of water, exersize and find a good support group. If you don't have one in your area, find a nutritionist who has worked with wls patients. It's hard to do this alone.
   — [Anonymous]

July 23, 2001
While I agree with most of what the longer post-ops have posted to your question, I have a few questions in my mind. I am only 5 weeks post-op, but I wonder if this is your first plateau? They are normal and will happen to us all at times. I have read other people's posts that say they are fearful that they are eating too much, yet when they list what they eat, it really is not all that much. If you lost 50 pounds in 5 weeks, I would say you are obviously doing something right and you need to concentrate on the positives! You have lost 50 pounds! Wow! When you say you can't stop eating...are you doing the old 3 or 6 meals a day thing? I have lost 37 pounds in 5 weeks and have had one 10 day plateau already. Please feel free to email me personally so that we can talk privately if you wish for support as too fairly new posties. Good luck and do not give up hope! Molly
   — Molly S.

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