Does anyone 2yr postop or longer suffer from itching?

I suffer from chronic itching, relieved only by applying ice. I have seen a dermatologist and tried every antihistamine and allergy test known to man. The Dr. does not feel I am suffering from hives. It is only red and raised after I scratch it excessively. A health advisor said it may be bile salts coming to the surface that are not processed successfully in the intestine after my proximal RNY. I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this. Please don't suggest dehydration, I've had that ruled out. All the liver function tests I've had done are normal. I am looking for a similar condition in someone postop by at least a year. Thank you for any help I can recieve. Mary Skinner    — mary S. (posted on June 17, 2001)

June 17, 2001
Hi, I have not had the surgery yet but did run into a problem years ago with itching.....turned out it was emotional...I was going through a very, very stressful time ( mom had just died and had to deal with Dad etc)and this is how it manifested...itching especially the palms of my hands....with stress many people lose there appetite - not me!:)I scratched my hands raw...ended up in grief counseling and everything went away. It does come back when I am really stressed out he palms are the first to start and I just use some relaxation techniques and it goes away.
   — Diane Z.

June 17, 2001
Is your chronic itching occuring at the incision? I had surgery four years ago and the incision area still gets so itchy sometimes I could scream. The itch seems to be very deep and scratching doesn't help at all sometimes I slap the incison area and that helps but next time I will try the ice.
   — Laura R.

June 17, 2001
Mary, I am 2 years post op and have the same problem. I definately itch more at night for some reason. Possibly because I notice it more then. I have other problems though too, tow of which are dry eyes and dry scalp. I finally found out that I have developed sjogrens disease which literally eats all of the moisture out of my body. this may not help at all but just thought it might add something for you to think about.
   — Barbara H.

September 3, 2001
Your question is so intriguing to me as I've had some serious itching going on for quite a while now ( I'm 3 years post op)and I never even considered it might be related to my RNY. I get it on my back in an area sort of horizontally across the entire middle. It's especially persistant at night after I get ready to go to bed. Sometimes I feel like I could scratch myself down to the bone. I guess it's lucky for me that it's so hard to reach the middle of my back...holds me off a lot. But over time I have acquired a whole assortment of back scratchers to help. The dermatologist says use cold compresses ( not nearly as satisfying!)and don't scratch(duh!) but it's so wierd because I never had this before. And now that you mention it, it did appear after my surgery and has been annoying me ever since. It's so wild that you connected them and I bet you are right. Carol in Philly
   — Carol M.

December 13, 2001
To anon: did you know you can have this surgery without staples? I did....the doctor just used good old fashioned sutures/stitches to close my skin. Hope this helps.
   — MarilynT

December 18, 2001
I had the very same thing happen but after a different surgery. I had this surgery 2 years ago and I still get the almost unbareable itch! My Dr said it was from nerve endings healing. He told me this could take several years and the itch may even continue after that due to nerve damage. I did not have staples to close but used stiches. Just an idea. :,)
   — Andrea P.

March 21, 2002
Did your dermatologist take a biopsy of any of these bumps? I very itchy rash that does not get any better with topical creams/ointments can be a sympton of Discoid Lupus. If this continues please have them run some tests for this. Good Luck.
   — honeybee1247

June 4, 2002
Hi, I had a breast reduction done about 8 years ago and still itch from it at times. My plastic surgeon told me to use Crisco Grease on the itchy parts--AND IT WORKS!!!! He doesn't know why but has told all his patients about it and it seems to work. If you have tried everything else, why not!!!
   — Lyn D.

August 20, 2002
I have not had the surgery yet but offer this: I use to work in the administrative office of a dialysis center. A lot of our patients had problems with itching. High potassium. The dietitians would always counsel the patients to eat foods lower in potassium. So for whatever it is might get yours checked.
   — Patty.W

August 20, 2002
My apologies for my previous post. I had my "P"s mixed up! It is high phosphorus that causes itching, not potassium. Sorry for the mix-up!
   — Patty.W

September 27, 2002
Hello, I am considering WLS and am doing a bit of research to actually see it itching does occur in any post-ops. If you are experiencing a general, all over itching, I could have an answer for you. I am pre-op,but, almost two years ago I began to itch all over my body for 24 hours a day!! I went to doctor after doctor who couldn't do anything to help me. After much heartache and suffering, I searched on the internet for my own solution, and for a someone to help me. It turns out that I have Candida. It's a bit controversial in the world of Western Medicine, but it is where you intestines become "clogged" with too much yeast. Candida can manifest itself in many ways, one being itching. After a change in diet, herbs, and acupuncture, I would say that I am 90% better. I had lost 80lbs up until itching had started, but ever since then, I haven't been able to lose weight on the very same diet that I had lost the 80lbs on previously. (My doctor even said that the itching could be a representation of some sort of the toxins that were ridding my body after the weight loss.) I recently went to a new doctor to help me figure out what to do next. I told her that I was considering WLS and she said she would support me in whatever I felt that I needed to do. However, she says that Candida can take years to clear up, and, in the most severe cases, may never go away completely. Basically, mine came from antibiotics...they kill ALL of the bacteria, good and bad, in your intestines...and from my eating habits. So, I want to do what I need to do to lose weight and keep it off. (WLS) But, at the same time, I am a bit aprehensive about what it may do to my already "messed up" digestive system. Anyway, It may be benifical for you to just read up on Candida. You will know yourself whether you think this is what may be your problem, and work from there. Good Luck.
   — Courtney Durham

September 27, 2002
`I was taking naprosen for hip bone ache and developed itching all over and the dr gave me a shot to calm it down and had a dermatologist biopsy for lupus. I react badly to mosquito bites also - takes a shot to stop it. I can't remember what the injection material was - but it is very often used - eptinrferin? maybe? Good luck -
   — charlene M.

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