I have a desk job (no standing or moving around all day). Can I return in 1 week?

Really--I strictly am at a computer talking on the phone all day. I'm wondering if it's realistic for me to plan on being back to work 1 week after surgery. If not, what would be the MINIMUM time off to go back to such a desk job?    — Julie P. (posted on June 15, 2001)

June 15, 2001
<b>TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!</b> For either procedure. Without any complications, probably 3 weeks for a lap, 5 weeks for open, and I still say that's pushing it. I couldn't have sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time for a good two weeks. My surgeon recommended 6 weeks with my open, and I have an administrative desk job. I felt I needed more time, and then I wound up with a complication about 6 weeks out. I didn't feel normal until about 12 weeks out. You are recovering from surgery, learning how and what to eat, and are in a period of total life readjustment. Don't push yourself! If you don't have the time off, take FMLA if you are eligible. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 15, 2001
I had an open and was out 2 and a half weeks. Then went back for two weeks at 32 hours. I would have stayed out longer if I could have but I was on leave without pay and couldn't afford it. One week is definitly out for an open. You won't have the energy.
   — Helen C.

June 15, 2001
I was back at work 3 weeks after an open procedure. I was only able to work a few hours a day. I wasn't in any pain, had no trouble sitting, I was just SO very weak. I've never felt so drained in my life. You should give yourself at least 3 or 4 weeks. Of course, it really just depends on the type of procedure and you. Good luck to you!
   — Lisa S.

June 15, 2001
I also have a desk job.. and there was no way I could have returned after one week.. You are just to tired and you need to take time to recuperate and adjust.. and rest.. You just had major surgery.. I would take at least 4 weeks off if at all possible.. You will be happy you did.. You will go thru alot of emotions and being tired and hurting.. I would just enjoy your time at home if you get the chance.. Don't push yourself to fast.. good luck !! (Hugs)
   — Debbie R.

June 15, 2001
I had an open rny-proximal and I took two weeks off of work. Because I also have a desk job, I could have gone back in one, but I thought it might be nice to have some time off and maybe I would get some stuff done around the house. A mistake. Although I wasn't in pain and didn't need to be in bed, I didn't really feel like doing anything fun and wasn't very productive. I should have just gone to work!
   — Anne G.

June 15, 2001
You are not being unrealistic if you really want it. I had open RNY and was back to work 10 days post op. I only worked 6 hours a day for the first week then I was back to full time after that. It is so important that you start your protein about two months before surgery it will make you heal so much faster, believe me. I wish the best to you.
   — Sherri M.

June 15, 2001
I returned to a full-time office position 8 days after my lap RNY. This worked out really well for me, and aside from being more tired than usual at the end of the day, I had no problems. However, remember that every person's response to a major surgery, anesthesia, post-op pain and activity is different. A lap surgery will offer you less pain and a more rapid post-op recovery period, but it is still a "major" surgery and should be treated as such. It is my personal feeling that patients who have had any open surgeries should allow themselves several weeks before returning to full activity. Just listen to your body, it will let you know in a hurry if you are overdoing. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

June 15, 2001
As previously stated everyone is different. I can tell you that I went back to my desk job half time at 18 days post op. My boss was very understanding and told me to go home if I got tired. I slowly worked my way up to full time by the time by 32 days post op. I wouldn't recomend going back to work too soon. You are going to need time to recover and you get tired very easily early post op. I would suggest a MINIMUM of 3 weeks off if you have open or two weeks off open. Do you have the option of going back part time?
   — georgiacarol

June 15, 2001
I had an RNY open and was off 3.5 weeks. I am a secretary and sit most of the day and I did get tired even though I stayed home 3.5 wks. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! If you can get the extra time off, take it and just be nice to yourself, rest, walk, learn how to eat with your new tummy. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

June 15, 2001
I also have a desk job but move around alot. I decided to take 6 weeks off because I wanted some time at home with my daughter. I am able to take STD so I will still have a full paycheck coming in.
   — barbs3kids

July 8, 2001
I was back at work 7 days after my lap procedure. It depends on your luck...
   — Dave K.

July 8, 2001
   — crabtree

July 9, 2001
I had a LAP RNY. I made arrangements to take three weeks off. My surgery was on Monday, I was in the hospital until Thursday and there would have been no way I could have returned back to work the following Monday. Besides, my surgeon didn't give me the okay to drive until I was 10 days post op. I did return to work part time after two weeks, but worked part time that third week. I only made it through two hours the first day, and worked up to almost 8 by Friday. By the way, I'm an Executive Assistant and most of what I do is at my desk.
   — Sharyle L.

July 9, 2001
Julie, I haven't had my rny yet; will be scheduled soon for an open rny. But last year I had abdominal surgery - full cut, no lap - and returned after 2 weeks. It was easier at work than at home! I kept doing little chores that needed doings, and the bathroom was upstairs. Far less stressful to sit at a desk and talk on the phone. At least that was my experience.
   — scottiemaam O.

July 13, 2001
thanks everyone for ALL you input on this ?. I returned to work for 2 hours for a couple of days in a row 5 days post-op, then 4 hours for a couple of days and then back full time 12 days post-op and it went really well that way. I had no complications and felt very comfortable doing this, although I did find I had to stand to stretch my back every hour or so.
   — Julie P.

May 3, 2004
I had my Surgery lap rny on 4/26/04 a Monday and was back to work the following Monday 5/3/04, I sit at a desk all day on the phone and havent had a problem. I do try to get up and walk around as much as possible between calls, and if you are drinking all of the water you are suppose to then you'll be up and down in the bathroom so no need to worry about sitting all day. But Im off pain meds, was off of those about 4 days after surgery. Hope this helps anyone out there.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 3, 2004
I had lap RNY and planned to go back after two weeks but decided I'd feel better if I got thru the liquid diet stage first so went back after three weeks. I was still REALLY tired by the end of the day though. It really depends on how you feel though. Some people are ready to go back after a few days, some take much longer. I have a desk job too but I REALLY appreciated being able to have that extra week off.
   — scbabe

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