Does anyone know if the pouch will return to original size if it has stretched

because of eating too much? Is there a feeling (like the "heavy feeling") when the pouch is full? In the old diet days, people said your stomach shrank if you didn't eat for a few days. Does the pouch? One more question: a friend who had the standard rny without transection told me her surgeon puts a band of muscle/tissue around the pouch when he operated so that it couldn't stretch. Is this standard procedure in the rny? She said it was his trade secret and I can't find info on it, but I think it is a standard procedure. Anyone know? I hope I have that!!!    — Marilyn C. (posted on May 7, 2001)

May 14, 2001
The dr that I saw in memphis puts a silastic ring around the pouch and that will help it from stretching to much
   — [Anonymous]

May 14, 2001
According to my clinic, the pouch doesn't stretch at all. The new surgeries involve the lesser curvature of the stomach, which isn't as elastic. What I was told is that the opening from the stomach to the intestine stretches and that is how you can eat more than 2 oz. Food leaves the stomach quicker, but the pouch remains about the same size.
   — Jilda H.

May 14, 2001
I had the silastic ring gastroplasty in 94. It worked great, lost 82 pounds, got pregnant (which was a blessing! I was truly thrilled and I have a wonderful 6 year old son!) and now I have gained back all but 34 pounds of it. I'm looking into the open gastric bypass. I still eat small meals, but I get hungry an hour later...sigh...
   — Lisa U.

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