Drainage from incision

I am currently taking antibotics and doing a four time a day wound irragation with peroxide solution this has really threw me for a loop i am really tires.........................can anyboby give any insight on how long this goes on?????/ surgery was 3-2101 open rny    — frank F. (posted on April 1, 2001)

April 1, 2001
This is a hard one to answer depends on so many factors.. Like is the incision open? how much? is there tunnels under the incision? are you diabetic? Are you taking protein?.. I'm three months post-op abdominoplasty and my incision is just now beginning to close.. I know some that have had this take much much longer....I honestly think my pumping protein helped speed my new tissue growth. I wish you well and good luck I know how depressing and frustrating this is.
   — Victoria B.

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