What's the difference between taking B12 orally and having it injected?

I've noticed on this site that there are quite a few people who mention that they take B12 daily or weekly. I was told that I would have to give myself B12 injections monthly for the rest of my life. If there's something I'm missing and I don't need to stick myself with a needle every month, someone please fill me in.    — Andrea H. (posted on February 18, 2001)

February 18, 2001
The reason is because B12 and intrinsic factor are mfr in the lower stomach. The food no longer passes through there, so there is nothing for them to bind TO. I got away with no B12 supplementation for 6 yrs, then it started to fall fairly rapidly. Many do the B12 sublinguals (under tongue) and I suspect it will only delay the inevitable if you are staying well nourished with your supplements. But B12 pills won't help us much at all. Again, that intrinsic factor is locked away in the lower stomach, so the B12 cannot bind with it to be absorbed. No matter what, get copies of your labs your OWN self and keep an eye on those levels. I caught mine before I went too far down, which was good, because it's taken a few months to figure out what frequency of shots will hold me steady. But my docs had NOT noticed my B12 level because it was not yet below normal. You don't need to be an expert to see if various levels are going up or down or holding steady.
   — vitalady

February 18, 2001
My surgeon tells all his patients to take B12 tablets (500 mcg.) He's been doing this for over 10 years, and as far as I've been able to tell, his patients don't have a problem with B12. I was told (by another doc) that B12 shots are the "old school" way to go, and that studies have shown that the tablets are just as effective. Now, I will say that I suspect the type of surgery you have, as well as how much bypassed may influence whether or not you need shots. Talk to your surgeon about shots v. pills and how it will affect YOU personally.
   — Maria H.

February 18, 2001
I can notice a big diference if I don't have my b12 shot. I start to feel so tired and run down even my skin dosen't look good. Without any extra b vitamins ,I can see the changes in my skin right away. It looks slack and not glowing. I would never think of not having b12 , however every day I take a sublingual(I got them from vitalady, she knows her ****!) I figure it will help keep my levels up. I look and feel better than I ever have.
   — Rose A.

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