I just had open rny 10 days ago and still have the drainage tube. Today

I opened the top and shook it off like I was instructed and this thick white liquid with an odor poured out of it. For the all the world, it looked like the chicken soup I had for lunch!!! The soup had tiny pieces of spinach in it and so did the drainage! Is this normal? I called my doc and he is out of town. Does this tube drain the old stomach or the new pouch? Should there be food there? I am worried!!! Please help. A resident called me back and he said it sounded "normal" to him. Thank you for any advice. I am watching it next time to see if it is clear again. Also how often do you have to open this and drain it?    — Marilyn C. (posted on December 8, 2000)

December 8, 2000
I also had the tube for 4 weeks and it was not the spinach you had it was thinned bile lining which is common along with the not to nice smelling white stuff. Just clean and dress it daily and it will be fine. No one can spell it but you by the way. It was the worst.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

December 8, 2000
I never drained mine, but I was told that I should have. When it was removed I had a lot of fluid. I would drain it once a week or if you ever feel nauseated.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

December 8, 2000
I am 6 days post-op and have my drain until Wednesday. I am instructed to empty mine 3 times a day and record the amount of drainage. The pamphlet the hospital gave me (I have the Jackson-Pratt), is that if there is any foul smelling discharge, to call the doc immediately. Mine is just a mixture of blood and yellow stuff. I think that until your doc returns, you should at least keep track of how much you are draining (cc's).
   — Susan S.

December 10, 2000
I hope you have called your doctor -- I only just read your question, and your doctor needs to know about this drainage. It is not chicken soup, and your JP tube is not in any way, form or fashion attached to your digestive tract or stomach. It is there to drain the body's serous fluids, which is naturally occuring when there has been trauma to an area -- It is to keep fluids between tissues from building up, and gives it a way out of the body. A change in color, or ANY odor, should be reported straight away. Hope things were OK for you!!! Michelle
   — Michelle F.

December 10, 2000
My Dr. told us that the tube has to stay in for 2 weeks post-op but it varies from surgeon to surgeon. What you're stating doesn't sound normal.That tube is used for 2 purposes in can be inserted into the stomach for feedings but in this case that's not what it's used for my /Dr. puts it in the unused portion of the stomach so you shouldn't be able to get your lunch out of it. If your Doctor is out of town get his service tell them the problem & ask who's covering for him and if they can get ahold of him & call you back!!!
   — Thomas L.

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