My surgery is scheduled for 11/14,starting 10/9 my surgeon wants me to begin a Sugar

free carnation instant breakfast only (6 pkgs per day) to prepare for the surgery by loosing some weight and cleaning out my systemn. I am planning to do this but wonder if anyone knows if there are equivalent products that would not require me to drink animal products and aspartame?    — kathleen S. (posted on September 18, 2000)

September 18, 2000
I am sure there must be a soy alternative out there, does your Dr. know about your desire to avoid milk products? Maybe a protien drink in soy milk? Good luck.
   — Cara S.

September 19, 2000
My surgeon planned this horific weekend of torture, starting me off on a clear liquid diet the Saturday before my Tuesday Surgery, and the Coup de Grace (look it up, it's definition is totally appropriate!)was on Monday when I had to drink a GALLON of "Golytely" the grossest most disgusting (makes me gag even thinking of it now) colyte drink (1 cup ever 15 minutes). I almost died right then and there, basically stayed on the toilet for an hour crying. Had my Doctor said the Carnation/Milk option- I probably would have better memories than I carry now(and it has been two months!) I shudder remembering..... Ray, whenever you want to go out to eat, I am with ya!
   — Karen R.

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