I need your opinion.......

I'm going today to ahve my G-tube & staples remover...finally. I am wondreing if I should take some pain meds first,or is it not all that bad? Honesty would be greatly appreciated--I want to know what I'm in for.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 14, 2000)

September 14, 2000
I work in a hospital and I remove staples quite often I have not removed a G-tube the staple are usually tolerable, but it is to late in the middle of the procedure to ask for pain meds. What is the reason for not wanting to use pain meds? No one will think less of you for it and if they do tell your doctor be cause they should not be in this business. I say take them and if you don't need them good you have them any way no harm done.
   — MARK N.

September 14, 2000
I recently had both taken out. I, of course had myself all pysched up for the pain. My plan was to take a pain pill before I left the house but I forgot. Guess what? Talk about painless! It didnt hurt one bit. The staples feel like little hairs being pulled and the G-tube felt like my stomach was grouling. Nothing to worry about! Piece of cake!
   — Cheryl S.

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