How long does he take to schedule your surgery???
I have jumped through all the hoops and have all the tests and referrals in...but either I am over anxious (due to medical problems and my home life falling apart because I have been in TX since March trying to get this surgery done) or it seems they are dragging their feet. I keep getting the same story...not here, out of town, haven't seen him today, don't know...etc.... Has anyone out there actually had surgery by him and how long did it take for him to get your surgery date scheduled? I know they are getting tired of me calling...but this TX heat is killing me. My body is swelling like a toad and I hurt all over from the extra fluid and I can NOT breathe in his please....can someone give me some time frames here? I wasted MONTHS with Dr. Barzune and that fiasco, so poor Dr. Alexander gets my mistrust & frustration because of Barzune's office .....HELP! — Laura B. (posted on August 8, 2000)
October 4, 2000
Hi Laura, I was approved for surgery with Dr. Alexander's office within a
week. They really know what they're doing there dealing with the insurance
companies. I gave them a little help by writing a complete medical and
family history pertaining to my comorbities. It helped Teresa in Dr. A's
office get all the complete info on the first time. I also listed all the
diets, pills, etc. Good luck.
— Martha C.
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