eric who was carney wilsons surgeon?

is carney wilsons email adress listed in the database of people who had the operation is she listed in the names op people who had it done and who did her operation in new york i need to get in touch with her its kinda inportant thanks ken briganti of coral springs fla operation date april 14th 99 was 308 now 175 done by dr marema    — Kenneth B. (posted on July 12, 2000)

July 12, 2000
Carnie Wilson's surgeon in Dr. Wittgrove in CA. You can contact Carnie via, where she supports a wls community. To the AMOS members, if you haven't been there lately, check out Carnie's wedding pictures. A remarkable difference in weight loss since her appearance in People. If only everyone could have such an uncomplicated process and successful weight loss!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 12, 2000
You can go to the this site it may help.
   — Andria S.

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