What are the effects of low protein?

Hi! I saw the previous question about whether we really need a protein supplement or not. It seemed pretty unanimous that we do but what I would like to know is what are the effects of not getting enough protein in your diet? I know about the hair loss but are there any others? Also, is there anyone out there that was on high protein and still lost hair? Thanks for the help!    — Candace S. (posted on June 30, 2000)

June 30, 2000
Low protein levels can lead to many, many problems. Protein is necessary because it is the only source we have of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for enzymes, among other things. When we can't make the needed enzymes, everything from hormone regulation to brain functions can be affected. We'll use our own muscles to get amino acids if we can't them any other way. That's a radical reaction, but it underscores how important adequate protein is. Fortunately, it isn't difficult to get the protein we need, and we're able to store some, too. As for hair loss, my surgeon doesn't think it's protein-dependent for most of us. We're going to lose hair because of the rapid weight loss. Some people swear by various supplements, zinc, biotin, etc...or massive amounts of protein. They seem to work for some, not for others. I'm one for whom they haven't worked. There's no clinical evidence to show that anything will prevent or reduce hair loss. At least, that's what I'm hearing from my surgeon and a lot of friends are hearing from theirs. BTW - I take in 90-110g of protein per day. My hair loss began at 4 months and continues today, at 6 months. YMMV.
   — Duffy H.

July 3, 2000
Hi Candice, When we lose massive amounts of weight, we also lose muscle mass. Most obese people do not have ample muscle mass to begin with. Protein intake helps your body maintain muscle mass and utilize stored fat for energy. THus, you lose more fat and less muscle. That is the reason for increased protein intake. Muscle building will also increase your metabolism and help you burn fat faster. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

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