I just came from a party at the neighbors and people can be so stupid!!

I just came from a party at my neighbors house. While I was there, an aquaintance came up to me and bent over quietly to ask me "So why did you really have this surgery? Is it because you just couldn't stay on a diet? Then he went on to tell me that I was the topic of their gathering last night and that people who have had this surgery get huge lumps throughout their body from fat deposits. He then went on to tell me about Kenny Rogers. He siad KR had this same surgery and that he started growing breasts on his back as a result of it. He also said his wife told him about a lady who had football size fat deposits on the inside of her legs. I just looked at him, laughed, and said you must all be getting your education from the National Enquirer!!! I cannot beleive how stupid people can be, especially when they know nothing about the surgery in the first place. Just had to share this!!    — rosemary I. (posted on May 27, 2000)

May 27, 2000
Good for you girl!!!!!!! I hate stupid people like that also now that my surgery date is getting closer I am running into the problem with my so called friends. I let them think what ever they want I will better in the long run and people like that will not be in my life or living it for me so let them think what they want and you will be the better person for it in the long run. You are your own best friend and know one else. Let the small minded people stay that way they are. You are far smarter than they will ever be.
   — Catherine P.

May 27, 2000
Bravo! Short of telling him that "due to your absurdity, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to MYOB"... I loved the Nat'l Enquirer remark. I hope the Weekly World News shows us the KR back boobs and I wanna know if they are sensitive too! (Oficially perpetuating the rumer, here, folks!).. Gawd.. I have too much time on my hands.
   — lisadiehl

May 27, 2000
Uh.. rumOr, even. LOL
   — lisadiehl

May 27, 2000
Idiots abound! Unfortunately they are every where!
   — Paula G.

May 27, 2000
LOL Boy if Kenny Rogers has boobs on his back, his wife or girlfriend must love slow dancing with him ROFLMAO I seriously have to wonder about people like that.. I really do
   — Jennifer K.

May 27, 2000
There are over 5000 people on this list, I think, yes? I'd guess that as your statement appears, there are slightly over 10,000 eyeballs rolling in their sockets and another group of us ROTFLOBO! I'm nearly 6 yrs post-op, and this certainly is in the top 10 absurdities I've heard. I've also heard we all die sooner. Oops! Without surgery I'd have died in 1995. So, is this sooner or later than that?
   — vitalady

May 27, 2000
I think they were confusing LIPOSUCTION with WLS. I have heard a few wierd things like that (not anywhere near the boobs on the back extreme) from people that have had a large amount of Lipo. I still think they were nuts to say that to you.
   — Cara S.

May 28, 2000
well!! I bet my dh would be glad for me to get more boobs! I only have one to start with! Maybe I'll luck out too! :0) good luck and forget the nuts

May 28, 2000
I second that...I need another breast too. If I had know surgery would have given me one I would have had the surgery a LONG time ago.
   — Alicia B.

May 28, 2000
OK, I've got dibs on the patented design for the Kenny Rogers Back Boob Bra....LOL
   — Jaye C.

May 29, 2000
Maybe your neighbor was confusing the Kenny Rogers/National Enquirer thing as having something to do with WLS. I think the real story was something like: "Kenny Rogers is a mutant space alien with breasts on his back." Gee, I don't know how these things get so twisted! The truth IS out there! (LOL)
   — Morgan B.

May 29, 2000
What a great retort from you! I can never think that fast when someone says something stupid. You might havew also told this person that his questions would be topic of your next group "how to deal with stupid people" discussion. Just my two cents worth!
   — char T.

September 20, 2000
You'd be surprised the many people that believe that WLS is liposuction! I told two people that I was going to have WLS and they said I'd better be careful because they knew of someone that had this done that died of blood poisoning. They just assumed it was liposuction! I couldn't believe that people could be this dense!
   — Debbie J.

September 1, 2001
Rosemary, people like that probably never have had to deal with the preasure, pain, suffering and depression due to something that is totally out of control in your life. They would never understand what it is like to be in our shoes. You are a much better person than your so called "friends" will ever be. True friends would never talk behind your back, just to your face. Hang in there! You have accomplised a goal in your live that has changed your live. What have they done lately?
   — Denise R Armstrong

September 10, 2001
I laughed aloud when I read your response to that idiot and felt quite proud to be part of such a feisty, survive and PREVAIL group! You GO, Girlfriend!
   — cjtich

March 31, 2002
I've had so many side effects and problems from this surgery and wouldn't you know it? The ONE problem I could live with (having boobs again) doesn't happen! Gee guess I'm not lucky like all the rest of you with 4 boobs. I don't even have 2 anymore due to the weight loss! What idiots people are and to admit that they were talking behind your back is even worse don't you think?
   — Barbara H.

July 23, 2002
I just read your post...good come back, one, and two, good for you in standing up for yourself and the others who are WLS patients. It just proves that there are true idiots out there. This is precisely why I choose not to tell anyone about my surgery. Sure my husband knows, but I have only chosen to tell two other family members and those are members that I know I can trust completely. I'm not sure how I will feel once I have the surgery and lose the weight. Will I tell someone how I lost the weight? It depends on how well I know the person...I'm not ashamed of having the surgery...I just don't want to deal with idiots like you had to deal with.
   — Stephanie S.

November 1, 2002
admittedly, i found this site, and this discussion, long after the fact of the above mentioned situation, HOWEVER, that sort of stupidity seems to self-perpetuate. there are some people, generally IGNORANT people, INSECURE people, who need to 'step on someone else's shoulders, to elevate themselves'. your 'friend' was obviously one of those. they feel threatened when their object of scorn/pity decides to change the status quo, and improve themselves. since this person feels superior to you, (based only on their smaller size), any real action on your part, to improve your own situation would be seen as a threat to their own sense of selfworth. they are in dire need of the 'get-a-life-league' and some indepth therapy!!! all the best to all of us.
   — tuxedoll

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