I am going to have a RNY at Cottonwood in SLC and am curious what to expect?

I am not used to being in the hospital and am nervous. I am 5'9 @400lbs and curious as to what to expect for treatment. Wil I be able to travel on a car trip when I get out of the hospital? What about 18 days later? I had my wisdom teeth pulled (3 at once) and went back to work an hour after. Can it possibly be so bad that I can't push paperwork? I am nervous and anxious, but I'm wondering how to schedule work...JS    — Justin S. (posted on March 15, 2000)

March 16, 2000
Hi - I had surgery with Dr. Smith at Cottonwood on 2/23/00. The hospital was great - the only thing I had a hard time with were the beds on the surgery ward -- very uncomfortable to me after 1 day. I had a lot of back pain which some people get and I think the bed made that worse. I stayed 3 days. Initially after waking from surgery in my room, I remember pain. I kept saying, "Hurt" in a whisper. Shortly thereafter they got me hooked up on the pump and that worked well for incisional pain. Dr. sent me home with 40 percocets which didn't seem like they would be enough at first, but they were. My pain was most intense first 4 days -- between incision, back pain and gas pains. Ask for a fan and heating pad in the hospital and they will give them to you. Heating pad helps with back pain and gas pains. They give you ice packs to keep on the incision if you want at first. You want VERY loose pants to wear home from hospital - and you will probably hold the waistband away from the incision after, too. The ride home can be uncomfortable with little bumps. I had an hour drive home. 1 1/2 weeks after surgery, my husband drove me to Logan - about a 2 1/2 hour drive and I did fine. Much less pain by then. I took a pillow in the car, though, to minimize movement. I think you will be fine 18 days after surgery for traveling if not too long. I hope you have 2 weeks off work minimum. I am three weeks out of surgery now and feeling pretty good - I still keep top button on pants unbuttoned though. I really thought how much harder this surgery would be for people heavier than I, because my BMI was 37. So, expect that to slow you down a bit - however, I have MS, and managed my MS pain and operation pain pretty well considering. I hope you have a recliner to go home to - rent one if you don't for a month or borrow one. Lying down was the most comfortable position for me - even 2 weeks out, after a couple hours of sitting up - it is so nice to lay down... really takes pressure off the incision. Take 3 weeks off work if you can for a desk job. I had no complications from surgery. I asked to have my IV in a vein between the hand and elbow - lots of nerves in the hands and I don't like IV's there. I took a short shower 2nd day. On 3rd day, just before going home, I had some broth. Otherwise, I didn't have any food in the hospital... just water 2nd and 3rd day. I should have measured what I ate after getting home - because I was able to "fit" in more food than 1/4-1/3 cup pretty easily... depending on the type of food. I could eat 6oz. yogurt after surgery. I've gone back to using a small bowl for portion control so I don't stretch out my pouch and am eating more frequently. I was hungry first 5 days or so until I got on more regular types of food besides liquids. I nurses didn't really offer, but I found out that I liked having ice to chew rather than water. If you ask them, they will get you cups of ice. I didn't like anything room temperature. By 2nd night, I was getting my own ice from the machine - they can show you where. You sound like you have good tolerance for pain so perhaps you will be like others I've heard of and do better than I did in the pain department. I had 4 previous C-sections and this was by far more painful to me. If you have anymore questions - please feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]. Love,
   — Shar /.

March 16, 2000
Justin, Who is your Dr. and when are you having surgery? I had surgery 1-11-00 by Dr. Halversen at St. Marks in Salt Lake. Everything went just fine. I had a three hr. Ride home after 4 days in the hosp. I stopped twice to walk around to help prevent blood clots. I have a friend who lives in the same town as me who just had surgery last Tue.{By Dr. Halverson} and is planning on returning to work this coming Mon. {desk job} I had my surgery on a Tue, and was discharged from the hosp on Fri. without any pain-meds. Narcotics don't agree with me. I had a demerol pump for the first two days, then 1 tylenol on the third and final day. Nothing since! I feel great. 10 weeks post-op and I have lost 5o lbs. If you have more questions feel free to E-mail me. Good Luck! Dani
   — Dani J.

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