what specific questions should i ask my doctor during our initial consultation?

should i ask about malpractice suits? deaths? abilities? any help would be appreciated!    — Gary S. (posted on June 26, 1999)

June 26, 1999
I believe when you choose to have this surgery you need to look at it with an open mind. I feel you shouldn't look into the bad stuff like law suits etc. look into the good stuff like how you feel, how your lifestyle can change etc. This surgery can have complications I am not denying that but it also can change your life forever.Another tip might be how full is your MDs waiting room and has any of his staff had the surgery performed on them. GOOD LUCK.
   — Theresa B.

June 26, 1999
Ask EVERYTHING you can think of that will assure you and make you confident that this is the right surgeon for you! If your surgeon is worth his/her weight in anything, they'll answer any and all questions you have without hesitation. Don't dwell on the problems unless this one has an unbelievably high rate of incident, but you can also call the Medical board to confirm any problems, investigations, or complaints against the doctor. I did ... and I believe almost everyone I knew of that had surgery in the same time frame thoroughly checked out our surgeon before making the decision! Do what you need to do to be confident!
   — Sherrie G.

June 26, 1999
Yes to all of the about. How many of these surgeries has he performed? How many of his patients have had complications?
   — dboat

June 27, 1999
Hi Gary: Your first visit to your surgeon should put your mind at ease. Your It is not out of the question to ask how many WLS your surgeon has done. You should also be able to ask how many deaths he has had, and he should be more than willing to share with you his abilities. If your surgeon does not want to talk about these things, FIND ANOTHER SURGEON!!! This is your life, and since this is a MAJOR surgery, you want to know you are in good hands. Ask about what kind of after care your surgeon has as well. Does he/she have a follow up support group? Ask for References! He/she should be able to give references to you of other happy patients. Do some checking on your surgeon yourself. The internet is wonderful for this. Things to take with you on your first visit! 1. A complete list of all the diets that you have been on. List how much weight you have lost on these diets, and when you went on these diets. (most surgeons ask for this) 2. A notebook and pen to write down information. Also a list of questions you want to ask your surgeon. Once you get into the office with the surgeon, you may forget the questions. (its normal to be nervous or excited) 3. List all your health problems, and make sure you list in detail all the problems that your weight is causing. You may be surprised to find some other problems that you are having are because of your weight. 4. Make sure you take your insurance information. If you don't have insurance, ask the doctor about a payment plan. Find out what hospital the doctor works out of, because you will also need to check with them about a payment plan. 5. Be excited! You are on your way to a new life! I am more than happy to answer any further questions. Just ask! Sincerely, Paula in St.Pete [email protected]
   — Paula D.

June 27, 1999
I have a list of a few questions you might want to ask in addition to the ones you suggested. Email me if you want 'em. I keep adding to it!
   — vitalady

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