What works to control the pain/spasms at the onset?

This can be soooooooo painful. My esophogus has a very narrow spot (food almost stops before passing), but occassionally I have these spasms that are so intense I think I'm having a heart attack. I fear going to the ER because it's obvious it's WRS related and my insurance won't cover that (I self payed for lap band and am 6 mos post op). After several visits to my surgeon and bewildered looks - I was finally prescribed diltiazem 120 mg 1/day, which seems to be helping. However, is there anything else I can do to help calm the onset or during an attack? I have not been able to find anything to give me relief during an attack except prayer and vomitting if I can - but that can make the spasming worse.    — Brenda K. (posted on July 28, 2005)

July 28, 2005
This is definitely a doctor question so don't take my word for it, but I think I've seen those little nitroglycerin pills that heart patients put under their tongue recommended to alleviate spasms. I keep a pain pill prescription on hand like percoset to get me through them. They happen very rarely for me though. Personally, I'd go to the ER if you have to. Since anyone could have these spasms, not just a post-op, I would think they'd have trouble proving that this was a direct result of the surgery?
   — mom2jtx3

July 29, 2005
I think you should see a Gastroenterologist you may have a stricture and another thing is if this keeps up you may end up with a food bolus which you have to go through ER. Maybe you can have your PCP to do a baruim swallow and the refer you to a GI doctor this way the Insurance will pay. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers
   — Gloria M.

July 29, 2005
Hi, I've been having trouble with these spasms constantly since 99. Had RNY in 03. I've seen a lot of doctors and visited Er's quite a bit. What I have found that does help, anti-spasmodic meds, sometimes nitro under the tongue, long-acting nitro meds, muscle relaxers, pain meds really don't help, they help with the immediate pain, but don't stop the spasm, GI cocktails. I hope you find some relief for these, I do know how very painful they are. Nut
   — Nut Picker

July 29, 2005
The only thing I can think of is maybe you aren't chewing the food enough or are eating a little too fast. Slow down and chew chew chew. Good luck, cathy
   — catleth

July 29, 2005
My mom has a spasm from time to time,and she was told to try HOT TEA,Decaf. And or something warm wrapped around her neck, we used a cornmill filled bag placed in microwave for 2 min. It seemed to help her. Might give the hot tea a try, they told mom the caf. was a stimulant and would irritate it more. Hope you find relief soon.
   — dogs2cats

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