Has anyone had any abnormal pregnancy screening tests results.

I am 16 wks pregnant (almost 2years out from surg) and just had routine triplescreen (alpha-fetoprotein)testing done. I got a call from the dr two days ago saying that my test showed some possible problems. I don't think that he took into account that I am post-gastric bypass, or diabetic (non-ins dep)or anything else into consideration. I am also worried that he may have done the test to soon (done at 15wks). I have read different guidelines on when to do it. I am just currious if anyone else post bypass have experienced anything similar, and what was your outcome? thanks :)    — Tammy O. (posted on July 24, 2005)

July 24, 2005
The test is done anywhere between 15 and 20 weeks and depending on your age. The most accurate is at 16 and 17 weeks. They also say there are many cases were the test have a false-positive result. You should ask the doctor to do a quadruple test. If you go to it will answer alot of your questions
   — Melissa T.

July 24, 2005
I had an abnormal result when I was pregnant but it was prior to surgery. I got myself all worked up, we had so much trouble getting pregnant to begin with and I was afraid our child was going to have some terrible birth defect. The doctor sent us for genetic counseling so we knew what the risks were. I did a lot of research online, but was not satisfied so I spoke with a couple of the nurses at work in the neonatal unit. When I found out that there was less than a 1 or 2% chance that our child would have a birth defect I was angry and relieved at the sametime. The real question is what will you do with this information? If the answer is nothing and you will have this child regardless of the possibility of a birth defect then do not stress yourself out. Once my husband and I came to that decision the stress went away. We discussed a plan, just incase the worst case scenario came to fruition, but thankfully it did not. We had a healthy baby girl. Her name is Sophie. Good Luck and God Bless.
   — pumpkelina

July 24, 2005
I know you are asking for post-op experience, but I can only comment on pre-op experience. I too had abnormal AFP results. We went to a geneticist who did some further tests, and offered an amnio as an additional test. We didn't want the possible risk to the baby with the amnio, so we didn't do that test. Anyways, things turned out fine, and we had no problems. I think it's pretty common for an initial abnormal AFP result, regardless of surgery status. Best wishes!
   — raye

July 25, 2005
AFP's can have a lot of false-positives. Can you repeat it? I think I would insist on it.
   — lizinPA

July 25, 2005
I had a problem with the AFP test pre-gastric as well. I didn't even want to have the test done in the first place, but my "new" doctor insisted on it. It turned out that if the doctor had gone by the day I told him I got pregnant instead of the day he thought I got pregnant (2 weeks later), the test would have been normal. Needless to say, after that I went back to my old doctor for the rest of the pregnancy - even if I did have to fly from North Carolina to Missouri every time I wanted to see him. It was worth it and my baby was perfect! Good luck!
   — Gigglepants10

July 26, 2005
I used to work in a birthing unit. To put your mind at ease, I'd ask for a referral to a Perinatologist (high risk OB/GYN). I'm sure they'll tell you about the % of false positives. They can also give you a level 2 ultrasound that will tell you if further testing needs to be done. Pre-op/post-op doesn't make a difference. Good luck, I'm sure things will be fine.
   — KC-NH

July 26, 2005
I had a + AFP with my very first pregnancy back in 2001. This was after my VBG, but before the RNY. I saw a perinatologist who did a level 2 U/S and found some physical markers that indicated genetic problems. We opted for the amnio which confirmed the problems. So since we have that history, we've done all the screening for both of my subsequent pregnancies, both of which have been post-RNY. AFP, the new quad screen, level 2 U/S. Fortunately, we have not had similar indicators with these pregnancies and we currently have a healthy daughter and our son will be here in October. I do agree there is a high incident of false positives with the AFP and you need to see a peri to rule out any physical markers with an U/S. Good Luck!
   — Ali M

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