NO Appetite??
Please forgive me in advance if you can't lose weight- BUT -- is there any of you out there that have no appetite and are losing too much weight??? I ask this because I am 2.5 years post op and have NO appetite.I could care LESS about eating !!!! I see people on here that say theywant to eat - I can't even imagine that. Everything else seems ok-- Thanks ----- K — Kewpidoll (posted on June 29, 2005)
June 29, 2005
Hi K,
I went through the same thing for about as long as you have. I started
eating more by.. well I would not recommend it, but drinking a little wine.
Then I started picking up all my bad habits again. Also, are you keeping
food down ok? If not, you may be eating too fast and not chewing your food
well enough. I was told also that if you drink while you eat, you will eat
more. Paula
— shoutjoy
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