For ur TT, did you have the anchor incision? Happy?

Hello all! I just went for a consult with a plastic surgeon. I went through my list of concerns, including a tummy tuck. I was surprised to hear that he recommended a vertical incision! I started out at about BMI 42 or so and my weight was pretty evenly distributed. I was concerned about my upper abdomen and have read posts about some people not happy with their upper ab results after a TT, so perhaps it is hard to get the upper abs flat. After touching and pulling my skin the surgeon thought to really get the upper part I'd need a vertical incision. I'm concerned - do I want a scar? Do I want a flat tummy I can't show? Do I want a "not perfect" tummy I can't show either? I'm just kind of in shock because I did not expect it for the BMI I started at. I wondered about other people's experiences, in particular, if you got a vertical incision and if you were happy with the end result and not too upset about the scar.    — w8free (posted on January 11, 2005)

January 10, 2005
I didn't get a vertical incision, and now I wish I had. My waist is a full size bigger than my hips, and it's difficult to find pants. If I had it to do again, I would have the vertical, because I've never shown off my tummy anyway post plastic surgery.
   — mom2jtx3

January 10, 2005
Hello Elizabeth ~ I had a tummy tuck w/muscle tightening and an anchor incision (like you're asking about). I absolutely LOVE the results. The vertical scar is almost NON-existant and the surgery was only 4 months ago. I have pictures of the results (before and after) in my profile at 1 month PostOp, even then the scar was already diminishing. Another POSITIVE plus about the anchor incision cut is that it gives you the 'hourglass' shape. I hadn't seen my waistline since my highschool days, literally. I was an apple shaped chick and as some of my pictures will show I carried most of my excess 230 lbs around my mid body. Good luck to you on your decision. :) - Lei
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 11, 2005
Elizabeth, you and I are almost the same in BMI (I was a 44). My weight was also evenly distributed. I went to one PS who said I needed the anchor cut and I absolutely REFUSED!! I then went to see a second PS and he told me I didn't need the anchor cut and that it was for people who carried the majority of weight in the middle. I had the hip to hip incision and muscle tightening and the results were FANTASTIC!!! I have NO excess skin or fat above OR below my waist. My waist is about 26 inches around and is as flat as can be. Check out 2 or 3 more plastic surgeons and see what they say. If all of them tell you the same thing, then you know the 1st doctor was right. However, if you get different responses from each doctor, go with who you feel will show you the best results.
   — Patty H.

January 11, 2005
This is a tough one. I started with the same pre-op BMI you did, 42, but I had always carried a lot of weight in my belly even compared to other areas. After losing 130 pounds, I went to consults with four different plastics surgeons who, among them, recommended three different procedures. One of the things they differed on was whether a vertical incision was necessary (three out of four PS recommended it, then handed me a stick of Trident :-D). All were board-certified, all had nice sample pics. But one said I didn't need it. Ay carumba, what to do?<P>In your shoes, I'd see at least two more PS for consults and see what they say.<P>What finally helped me decide was finding somebody whose "Before" pic looked pretty much like me. It took months to stumble upon one, though. It's amazing how different we all are out there! I wound up going with the PS whose recommendation was for the same procedures that this similar "Before" pic person had had. I'm really glad I did. I wound up with the vertical incision (*and* an LBL, talk about scars).<P>Take plenty of time to think about this. You are correct that your choices are, (1) scar, (2) (possibly) poochy upper stomach, which'll look even worse hanging over a flat lower tummy, or (3) flat tummy, no extended midriff scar. In the many months I took to ruminate on this question, I saw many people report that they regretted not having the vertical incision. Those who didn't have it, and were happy they skipped it as unnecessary, might have a different body type or different expectations or a different doc than you, it's really hard to know when we're all so different.
   — Suzy C.

January 11, 2005
I had a LBL in May of this year. I have the scar that goes all the way around my body and also an anchor scar. While it is still very read and obvious, I am glad I had it done. My dtr just started doing the anchor with the LBL in the last year. He operatedon my friend last winter and did NOT give her the anchor incsion and it doesn't look have as good as my LBL. My scar that wraps all the way around is very light, but, my anchor is still obvious. I am planning on getting the scars lasered.
   — heathercross

January 11, 2005
You definitely need to see more PS's before deciding. I had one doc tell me he would not do the anchor cut and I ran. There is no way my results would have been even close to what they are without it. I ended up having the vertical incision opened up with both of the next 2 surgeries to keep refining the upper torso areas. Each time it has healed very thin and very light. It is barely noticeable and I have no trouble wearing a sports bra top that would expose my belly. The stretchmarks I have are way worse than that incision. My experience is that the horizontal incisions tend to show more and are a little wider. I suspect because they are under constant gravity tension is why. The vertical one on my belly and the ones on my inner thighs are very acceptable to excellent. The leg ones are still quite red as they are only 2 months old, so time will help them. But they are pretty thin also. <p>The bottom line is you need to figure out what your body needs. Seeing some other PS's will help you decide that. Don't not get the vertical incision if most or all PS's are saying you need it. You won't likely be happy in the long run with the end result. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

January 15, 2005
Many thanks for all the advice and kind words! Leilani, you look GREAT! When I saw your pictures I was sold ;-) Bravo on everyone's accomplishments!
   — w8free

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