Does anyone out there have problems eating after almost 2 years?

I see many of you complaining that you eat TOO much -- I can't !! Is there anyone with any difficulty eating after being almost 2 years out? I get very full and will throw up (sorry) if I try to eat too much -----Thanks!!! Just FYI -- I do NOT feel I am obstructed-- it has always been this way since surgery (March 2003)    — Kewpidoll (posted on December 26, 2004)

December 26, 2004
I will be two years out in Feb. I have never felt like I eat too much. I have great difficulty eating enough. I eat several times a day and it is a rare time when i can eat one fourth cup full.
   — Delores S.

December 26, 2004
I can definitely eat more than I could within the first six months after surgery but last night, I tried to eat all of an egg sandwich and couldn't. I did eat one bite too many and it made me sick. I didn't throw up but was definitely nauseated for a bit. I was 15 months out on Christmas Day. I was never a "grazer" but was always a volume eater so I'm thankful that I still can't eat a bunch and hope I never will be able to. I do feel like I'm eating all the time though and that's a major shift in eating habit for me. I used to go six to eight hours between meals, then would eat tons of food. Definitely can't do that now.
   — scbabe

December 26, 2004
Hi Kera.<br> I had problems eating anything solid for a good 2 years, a bit more. It was a nightmare for me, especially when everyone tells you how "lucky" you are to never get hungry, never want to eat. Right! It certainly slowed down my loss without getting the calories I needed every day.<br> It took a couple of scopes, but at the beginning of November, a GI specialist scoped me and found stitches in my stoma. I saw the picture myself - Blech. He also dilated the stoma for me... a month later, I honestly feel better about eating that I ever did. I rarely get sick (after over two years of vomitting at least once/day). I still eat slowly, small amounts, chew well... but it goes so much better. Talk to your surgeon about a GI refferal. You can read more on my profile.<br>Good luck to you!<br> shelli
   — kultgirl

December 27, 2004
Kera, your profile needs updating, its very old. I went there to get more info, like what and how much are you eating that makes you too full? Is it every food that does this to you or just certain foods, and how often does this occur? Do you realize when you have that one bite too many and can you stop before you get to that point so that you don't throw up? Depending on the answers to these questions, you may just have to monitor what/howmuch you are eating or in fact it could be a problem that requires a scope to determine whats up. At two years out (I am almost 3 years out), you may have the occasional bout of throwing up or pouch pain when overeating but it should be a rarity at this stage.
   — Cindy R.

December 27, 2004
Kera, You are not alone. I am 18 mos. out today, had the Roux-en-Y, 150 cm bypassed with a Fobi pouch. I can eat half of a small Wendy's chili, about 4 oz at a time. Often times I cannot even eat this much at a time. As a result, I have to eat very frequent small meals throughout the day. If I do not chew everything well enough, it will get stuck, and I will throw up. I also cannot tolerate many foods that others who have had the surgery can tolerate. Do I have regrets? No way! This keeps me in line and makes me behave! My surgeon said that he can widen the opening of my pouch by a few millimeters for me, but I am afraid to do this as I think I would regain my weight back. I am at goal and have been for 5 mos. My labs are normal, except that I am anemic, but this was a problem that I had before surgery. I am on extra iron now, and my hemoglobin is coming up. As long as I do not lose too much weight and my labs stay normal, I will deal with the not being able to eat much. I have to say that this surgery has definitely cured me of my food addiction. Food is just food to me now. I only eat because I have to. If I could survive without eating and just live on water I would! My love affair with food is over! Deb
   — DebT

December 27, 2004
From your post, it sounds like your surgery is working *exactly* as it was intended? You have a small pouch to restrict intake, correct? Did you think this would change? I am 22 months out, and can eat about 1.5-2 oz by volume of dense protein, or half a Wendy's chili. Slider foods allow me to eat more, but that's not necessarily a good thing. This is the surgery *I* bought and paid for . . .
   — RWH G.

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