Anyone taking Sarafem?

Hello. I'm a little over a year post op and have been having a TERRIBLE time with PMS (the symptoms, but the MOOD part has been bad. I think it's bad, but my family thinks it's TERRIBLE, so I must be bad, LOL). This may be more related to an ovary removal I had about 6 months ago, because it's been really bad since then. My doctor recommended Sarafem, and it sounds like it should be really helpful in my case. I wondered if anyone else was taking it post op and how it was working for you. Is it helpful? Does in interfere with your weight loss do you think? Does it help with the PMS "munchies"/"cravings" (I have that and can control it somewhat, but it is very hard for me). Any thoughts, advice or experiences would be appreciated.    — w8free (posted on October 20, 2004)

October 20, 2004
I don't know if it would be helpful but if you do decide to take Sarafem, please be advised that this is just Prozac with a higher price tag. The generic of Sarafem/Prozac is fluoxetine (sp?) and it's A LOT cheaper. Try doing a search for Prozac in the Q&A library-- that may give you some answers. Good luck!
   — lizinPA

October 20, 2004
I took Sarafem for a year. I was going through pre-menopause (I'm 38...I was 35 at the time) and I was experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, and THE WORSE MOOD SWINGS I COULD IMAGINE! I was terrible. I drove my poor family crazy. I had NEVER experienced PMS in my life...suddenly I felt under attack,...EVERY MONTH. The Sarafem helped tremendously. The only thing....after a while, I began to experience a "diminished libido" (physician talk)...bottom line...I didn't want any....AT ALL! THAT drove me crazy. I'm WAY too young for that, so...I stopped taking it. It is a side effect that SOME people experience. I have to say though, if not for that, I would have stayed with it. It DEFINANTLY helped. Good Luck!
   — Babs B.

October 20, 2004
I agree totally with the other posters! Sarafem is just a pretty name for Prozac. Get the generic! I took Sarafem for about 4 years and I became a competely different person. I went from being down right mean, to being a real sweetheart! My hubby said "Don't ever stop taking that!" Unfortunately, I too, had no sex drive! So, post-op, I stopped taking it. But I have now tried Wellbutrin and Lexapro and neither one have helped like the Prozac. I am seriously thinking about going back to Prozac and just working harder on the whole sex drive thing! Maybe the weight loss will help with that also. Good luck to you!
   — BQQPER63

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