i have not lost no weight for 3 months now i am so depressed
ok for the past 3 months I have not lost no more weight and im doing more by working and walking out side, I know im not getting all the protein in that i should but i am eating 3x a day and not alot i cant even eat 1 hamburger. i am getting so depressed i cant stand this what do i need to do. some one PLEASE help me before i loose my mind. this is driving me crazy, thanks wendy — Wendy W. (posted on June 14, 2004)
June 13, 2004
Hi Wendy: hope you don't take this wrong but you have nothing in your
profile so it is pretty difficult to give you advice. Are you tracking
what you're eating everyday? Not getting enough protein can definitely slow
or stop your weight loss. Are you changing your routine occasionally? For
instance, instead of eating the same things and the same amounts everyday,
either lower your intake or up it. Sometimes a change will jump start you.
Make sure you're drinking LOTS of non-calorie fluids and absolutely lay off
the high calorie carbs such as anything with white flour or sugar, white
rice, pasta, chips, etc. Those things go down easy and it is way too easy
to eat too much of those. My personal plan is to eat in this order:
protein first, veggies second, fruit third. I eat about every two to three
hours but try to make sure my calories for the day are somewhere between
800 and 1100. If I feel I'm going over that, then I track everything for a
few days just to be sure I'm on track.
With all that said, sometimes people do all the right things and still hit
long plateaus. It may be just your body catching up with the changes. If
I was in your position, I'd change things up a little, start tracking
everything I eat or drink, and really see if I can identify a problem. You
might also try talking with your doctor to see if there is a possibility of
a "mechanical" failure. I wish you the best. I can only imagine
how frustrated you must feel.
— scbabe
June 13, 2004
It's not how much you put in your pouch, it's WHAT you put in your pouch.
Protein and veggies will cause you to lose weight. Refined carbohydrates
will get you stuck. Buy the South Beach diet and follow Phase I for 2
weeks. It will unstick you in no time! Good luck!
— mom2jtx3
June 14, 2004
SC Babe is correct..your profile does not give us enough info to help when you had the surgery, how much have you lost, what exactly
are you eating. You may already be near or at a comfortable weight for
your body, in which case, stopping the weight loss is appropriate. Just a
few tips, eat more frequently than 3 times a day. I am 2 years and 5
months post-op and I still eat 5 or 6 times a day. Your body needs fuel to
burn and sometimes 3 times a day, especially if its not alot of calories is
not enough. Just ensure it is small amounts, protein first, minimize the
carbs. Are you drinking a ton of water? And as for exercise, walking is
OK, but it will not burn calories and for weight loss, you need cardio
(heart pumping exercise)AND you have to do this type of exercise on a
regular basis to see a difference. Now go back and fill out your profile!
— Cindy R.
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