Eating all day????

I am almost 2 years post op and I eat all day long. I know I should just "stop eating" but the mental aspect is killing me. I don't know how to fight it. I am scared to death I will put my weight back on. How can I make myself stop eating!?    — Schnauzin254 (posted on May 18, 2004)

May 18, 2004
I am putting weight back on - can't stop eating sugar!!! Hopefully, this will get some helpful replies!!!!!
   — jen41766

May 18, 2004
what are you eating? i don't think it hurts to eat- it is WHAT you eat- it's the sugar that kills us-
   — Jannie N.

May 18, 2004
I have been doing the same thing some days just can not seam to get full and I know I am snacking on the wrong things cause its chips witch I can only eat about te amount that comes in on of those small pks like you put in kids lunch or I will eat a few cookies several times a day so I am trying to get rid of alot of that stff and have my BF buy cookies he likes that I dont I dont know if I have gained any weight or not have ot been on a scales in a whle I do not even owe one but do want to get one now that I am tryng to maintain my weight Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

May 18, 2004
I am a lttle over 2 years posr-op also, and i have those days, like the last poster said as long as your eating the healthy foods and not too much at a time, I don't think you need to worry, try eating 4 to 6 small meals a day, like every 2 to 3 hours, and drihk lots of fluids!!
   — bikerchic

May 18, 2004
Alison...I'm only 19 weeks out, but I've had occasion before when I felt like I was eating constantly. Now, I don't even feel hungry very often because I'm constantly sipping on liquids to try to get in my allotment for the day. When I get the munchies, it's usually after supper, anytime between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. I try to keep some cheerio's handy and just put some in a bowel, dry, and just take a few and eat them whenever I start feeling like I need something. Most of the time, it's just a hunger inside my head and not a real hunger. I've always been a "bored eater", a "depressed eater", a "happy eater". I didn't eat a lot, but I did snack on things I shouldn't have. Right now, to stave off all my old habits, I find something to do whenever the overwhelming urge comes to eat. I have been feeling so much better after my current 72 pound weight loss in the past 19 weeks that I have been cleaning closets and cabinets, stripping beds and washing linens, taking curtains down and washing, taking all my towels and wash cloths from the bathroom and kitchen and washing them just to freshen them (we seem to use the same few towels over and over). Also, I read or do Bible study and I love to scrap book. Maybe trying something you like to do during these times will help. And I hope something I've said may have given you a little help too...Kathy
   — Katherine F.

May 18, 2004
Yay Katherine! I agree with her - drinking constantly and staying really busy have gotten me over those rough patches, to the point where all-day muching is not an issue, ever. Instead, there's always 2 or 3 beverages on my desk at any given point in the day.<br><br> I have seen so many post-op friends regaining lately, and it breaks my heart. It's kind of like the way we got obese... it doesn't happen overnight, and it seems like we are losing control. For me, it was never about "willpower". That is a hard thing to learn! It was about ACTION. If we see something slipping away in our hands, in this case, the success after surgery we have worked so hard for, we need to STOP the self-destructive behavior. Once we stop behaving in a certain way, and keep that up for a significant period of time, it becomes second nature.<br><br> I hope this helps...
   — kultgirl

May 18, 2004
If I eat white flour or white sugar products, I'm hungry all day. The tricky part is to kick the carbs. That is SOOOOO hard. What works for me is to go really low carb (only veggie carbs) for 3 days. I don't worry about how MUCH I eat, just WHAT I eat. I'll eat protein all day long if I have to in order to get through those days. This decreases the craving alot. I do eat often throughout the day, but if I keep it to protein (hard boiled eggs, nuts, mozerella sticks, etc) then I'm fine.
   — mom2jtx3

May 19, 2004
I agree the carbs - white bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, crackers, snacks - kill me. I become hungry all the time. Some days carbs or no carbs, I'm hungry too and I think that's when I am a little more emotional. Old habits are hard to break --but I'm working on it and making progress everyday. I try to get in my protein, vegetables and fruit...if I need a sugar free treat I have one. Drink lots of water too and exercise. Best wishes! Deb
   — debmi

May 19, 2004
You ask how to stop eating all day..redirect your energy from food into something else. For instance when you want to eat and its not meal time, drink an 8 oz glass of water fast. If you still want to eat, drink another glass, etc, etc. Trust me, eventually food is the last thing on your mind. Or say to yourself, before I eat "X", I must walk around the block twice. Also, remove all the trigger foods from the house. Get the stuff you can't stop eating out of the house. Pack the house with fresh fruit and veggies, cheese sticks, nuts, SF popsicles, so that if you have to eat, its good stuff. Try shelled sunflower seeds one at a time. They take forever to eat, are full of protein and you can work on them for quite a while and not do any damage. You have to find ways to mentally psyche yourself so that you don't sabotage your weight loss. Don't let your mind fool you, you fool it. Your in control!
   — Cindy R.

May 19, 2004
I too am wrestling with this problem and it s-cks. I am trying to look at it as learning how to eat like a thin person. My thin freinds treat themself once in a while, however get back on the straight and narrow right away. In the past it took 30-50lbs of regain before I noticed it then it was too late. This is the time for me not to deny wieght gain but learn to control it! I look at my freinds if they do and so can we! By the way, I am one of the thin freinds now so now I have to prove it to myself and JUST DO IT. Fear of regain is overwhelming and frightening because that has been what I am used to. I remind myself thin feels better than any sugar tastes. I hope we all learn to tame the regain beast! I only wish I would dump but no... Thanks for all the helpful hints others have given!
   — cathy G.

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