Anyone see weight gain after hysterectomy?

Hi all! I am going to get I guess I hysterectomy of sorts. Next week I'm having a large ovarian cyst removed along with one of my ovaries. I'll have one left, plus all the other "female" parts. What I worry about is weight gain as a result of the surgery. I have heard women lament about weight gain after hysterectomies, etc. I wonder if this is due to hormonal changes, or maybe due to the normal aging process (ugh, as we get older, the metabolism slows, we're less active, and all this happens about the time we start needing things removed). I'm kind of paranoid about this and plan to ask my GYN at my pre-op this week. I know for me that when I was on the pill it really was harder to loose weight. I don't want that problem again. Any thoughts would be appreciated.    — w8free (posted on March 2, 2004)

March 1, 2004
On 1/26 I had a laproscopic hysterectomy, they only took the uterus. I was so scared that while I was home recovering I would gain weight because I was limited to what I could do. Well I lost 11 pounds at 11 months out. I was convinced it was all "uterus weight" but my gyno said my uterus weighed just under 1 pound so the other 10 was weight loss. I think a lot has to do with being on liquids for 3 days in the hospital, I had no desire to eat a lot when I got home. I don't know if it is possible but think my stomuch shrunk again. Good luck and God Bless! Stacey
   — Stacey F.

March 2, 2004
If they are not taking your uterus then you are not having a hysterectomy it is called an oophorectomy. There are many of us that function normally with just one ovary. And many women are born with just one ovary without ever knowing it. If you are not through menopause then you will still function just as you had before the surgery ie. pregnancy periods, Mood Swings. As long as the remaining ovary is functional then it will not cause you to go through menopause.
   — jenafwife

March 3, 2004
The two friends that I have that had their tubes tied..not WLS patients...did gain weight and one took that weight loss drug and excercised, the other found out that she had hypoglycemia and got that taken care of and started excersising and that took care of it. Whatever surgery that rearranges your body parts and or takes one out can have an affect on your body and weight gain/loss. The key is to pay attention to your body. Listen when it talks and keep an open line of communication with your OB and your WLS surgeon. Keep a journal of your mood swings etc, and any thing that changes hormonally after may need to take some extra hormones for a short period of time after surgery. Who knows. Listen to your body and trust your instincts..if you think something is off...get the appt. and talk to someone...Good Luck.
   — Carol S.

March 3, 2004
Hi. I had a complete hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries in 2002 and gained absolutely no weight as a result of it. I cannot take estrogen so that may be a factor. The word hysterectomy means removal of uterus. Good luck to you- I'm sure that you will feel a lot better when it is over. Susan
   — Susan F.

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