
I think this site is the greatest. The people who emailed me with reassurances when I was having last-minute panic before my surgery and who offered advice are the most wonderful people! Everyone wants to help and genuinely cares. Eric was especially helpful during the pre- and post-op days. Just knowing what others have experienced and felt was what meant the most to me. I found out I was "normal"! :-) Thank you for being there everyone.    — cedar57 (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
This site has truly been an expression of love and encouragement to me. I beleive this site embraces the 'personality' of the morbidly obese person pre-op and serves as a great resource for information and counsel post-op. I would just like to add my gratitude and appreciation all the folks responsible for this site and to all the members who belong to AMOS. YOu all have been like an 'extended family.' God Bless you all and may the love of Christ Jesus lead you into a prosperous New Year! Thank You all!
   — Shayla527

November 24, 2003
AMEN Shayla....I ditto that. :)
   — Myrna E.

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