Nearly 2 years post-op, pregnant, with jealous friend

I am 22 months post op. Started at 378 and got down to 165 pre-pregnancy. I have a friend who had wls about the same time I did. She is younger than me by 15 years, and was not as heavy as I was pre-op. Prior to wls, I was told I could never have kids. She was really supportive of my problem, and she had three children pre-wls which I was there for her each and every time and treat her kids like they were my nieces and nephews. My problem is this: she never lost all her weight and has been extremely jealous of my weight loss success. Whenever we are around each other, she claims to be about 50-65 lbs lighter than she really is (even after plastic surgery). I was much more strict with my diet and exercise than she was, and she wouldn't listen to any suggestions I made to help her, even when she asked for them. And now she is extremely jealous of my being pregnant. Everyone around us can tell she weighs more than she claims, even with ps -- and I am just sick that the friendship may be lost because she seems to no longer be able to talk with me, and won't even say a word about my being pregnant, even when I try to share with her about it like she did with me when she was pregnant and KNEW I never could have kids. Should I just chalk it up and let it go? I hate to lose a friendship, but... it is stressing me out too much.    — Sharon m. B. (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 3, 2003
<b>Hello, here's my 2 cents, I think you have already lost your friend. as soon as you noticed the change. I know it hurts but it's time to move on, maybe after you step away she will see how she's been acting and come to you , if she don't then you have your answer. Hey! congratulations on being pregnate. I do remember the joy of the 1st baby. don't let no one put a damper on this special time. focus on these moments they will last you for a life time.</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

November 3, 2003
Sharon, I'm so sory that your friend hasn't been the support for you that you were for her. You have been so supportive for MANY people on this including! Jealousy is a very upsetting emotion when it comes from someone we know and love. It's one of those things that we don't have any control over and cannot change ourselves...which is why I think it is so upsetting. (I do admit to having a few control issues. Hahaha.) Know that you will always have support on this site from the friends you have made here! Your friend will have to make the conscious decision to overcome her feelings of jealousy. I'm just so tickled for you and Jym that you will be parents, that I'll be all the support you want! :) Hopefully it will be me and Jason expecting this time next year! Hugs...Rachel Turner
   — Rachel T.

November 4, 2003
I agree with Nadine. If you are the kind of person who really needs answers, then I would put it all on the table and aske her. Say, I have noticed some tension from you that I am not sure about. This is what I have noticed...then ask her if you are right in your perceptions. Her response, even if she is defensive will give you your answer. Good Luck!
   — Michele B.

November 4, 2003
Hi Sharon, I too have lost people in my life who I thought were my "friends" but sometimes it is a one-way street on our part and then they don't want to give what it takes to keep the friendship going. Give her some space. If she comes back to you then you have a "true" friendship, if not, then invest your time elsewhere. Congradulations on having your 1st baby! It is definately a gift from above. May God Bless you and keep you in His care! Jill
   — Jill S.

November 4, 2003
Sharon- First off- Congrasts on TWO fronts -your great success and your pregnancy! I'm very happy for you. It gives me great hope, since I too would like to have a baby and couldnt before WLS. Anyway- I digress. I have another take for you on this friend. I had a friend who had WLS (lap band) and, unfortunately, failed. She gained back all her weight and then some. When I approached her about my WLS (RNY) she seemed supportive. Then, as time went on and I was losing weight, I began noticing that she stopped calling and wasn't really there for me. My initial thought was that she was jealous. But, I decided to try and have a heart to heart with her - I valued our freindship so much- I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. Anyway- what it came down to was something very different. She was ashamed and embarrassed of her failure, not jealous of me. I felt very selfish at not being able to see her pain and turning the situation into 'all about me'. We had some good talks and are fine now. This may NOT be your situation. But my point is, if this is a good friend you need to give her a chance. Talk to her and see what's wrong. Tell her how you feel, but don't accuse. You can then decide what to do with this friendship. Good luck to you!

November 4, 2003
sharon, i really dont have any advice on this. just my thoughts. you have been a support to me and others on this site. you are a terrific person. you have done nothing to warrant this treatment by your friend. it is her issue. next, i am so happy for your pregnancy. i always wanted children. due to a string of circumstances that finally ended with a hysterectomy at the age of 40 it is not going to happen. now post wls, i see that it was probably pcos and had i had my surgery sooner, who knows, maybe i would have 5 kids by now. at any rate, enjoy this terrific time and suck up all the positive attention you can. when is the baby due? lets have a cyber shower for you:) patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

November 4, 2003
I've always said I had this surgery to lose weight not friends and I think I went out of my way not to make those around me feel jealous by downplaying my weight loss and not making too big a thing about it. I always told my mother how much I was losing, but never called friends/family and yelling "Hey, I lost another 10 pounds!" I knew if it was the other way around, I would probably be jealous. I hate to say it, but jealousy is a normal reaction. I don't think you should stop being friends over this. You should talk to her and maybe say, you have noticed a little tension in the relationship. You were always happy and supportive about her pregnancies and hope she will be supportive during yours. If you are afraid, share that with her. She needs time to get over her jealousy and resentment. But, try to hang on if you can. Friendship is important.
   — Lisa N M.

November 4, 2003
Sharon, no comment on your friend other than you should be avoiding stress now as much as possible. Just--CONGRATULATIONS on your baby!!!! :-DDD
   — Chris T.

November 4, 2003
You all are just wonderful people. You never seize to amaze me, and make me feel better about myself and my situations. Thank you all. I think I will let her know how I feel and see if it is just me being hormonal or if the jealousy is really there... I'll let you know! Thank you all for all your support... I wouldn't be alive without this site and without all of you. Love and Hugs! Sharon
   — Sharon m. B.

November 5, 2003
Sharon - I think Lisa has a very valid point. Try talking to your friend and if that does not change things it will be time to move on. Congratulations on the pregnancy!! Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

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