I am 13 day's post-op and get the hiccup's alot. Anyone else have this problem?

   — Angela Q. (posted on September 21, 2003)

September 21, 2003
Hiccups are very common in post-ops. I'm 19 months post-op and still get the hiccups. Its the signal that I am full and to stop eating. I used to get them alot as an early post-op and now just get them every few days..your fine!
   — Cindy R.

September 21, 2003
I had the hiccups the day of surgery. It was so painful. It's not constant hiccups, but a hiccup here and there. Very weird, and it worried me for a while, but now I'm fine.
   — sewanee98

September 21, 2003
I get the hiccups when I'm full or nearing full.
   — Cathy S.

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