has anyone had pleural effusion post op.

I am two weeks post op, having pain under left breast, can't take a deep breath. The chest XRAY shows pleural effusion.    — Lori Z. (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 5, 2003
Yes, I contracted bacterial pneumonia in the hospital and developed a pleural efusion too, two days after coming home. It is very painful. I was on an antibiotic for two weeks. It took almost a month for the pain to subside, however I still have a small amount of fluid in my left lobe. I am not a smoker.
   — D. A.

September 8, 2003
Hi friend Eileen...who has a profile here, had it too. She was a very sick girl and almost died! But she is better now and down 50 pounds but it waws a long slow process!
   — Louise C.

September 12, 2003
I too had the same thing. I was in alot of pain and very, very sick! They tried to draint he fluid off, but three tries and no luck. Here I am 4 months later, I can breath much better, but I still feel the pain if I take a really deep breath. The Doctors said it will eventually go away (body will absord it) but it will just take longer sinced the fluid couldnt be removed. Good luck!!
   — Brandee W.

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