I have had my first PS consult for body lift, should I not attend the other?

I had my first consultation with a plastic surgeon who was that recommended to me by my surgeon who did my rny. My rny surgeon feels that, that plastic surgeon is best and that he himself will assist in my lower body lift. The PS told me that he would get me approved through BCBS one way or another, and is VERY confident. However I have another appointment with a plastic surgeon who also fights for approval and does excellent work. Since I've already seen the first one and have gotten my photos and stuff done, and have the ball rolling, I was wondering would it be a good idea to still go and see the second one. I dont want to screw up the process by having 2 surgeons submitting paperwork for a lower body any suggestions or ideas?    — Miko P. (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 19, 2003
I would suggest going to the 2nd consult just to confirm your choice of the first guy. Eash PS has a different way of doing things. It's a good learning experience, and you may end up changing your mind. If not, just ask him not to submit the paperwork yet, you're not quite ready, or any other excuse. But, I'm a firm believer in interviewing at least 3 docs for any big procedure. You'd be surprised at how differently things are often done.
   — Leslie F.

August 19, 2003
Hi! I'm a member of another website and it's recommended that you see at least 3 different PS so that you make sure that the one you pick is the right one for you...I had a breast reduction in May, and I went with the 2nd PS I saw, and I saw 3...I was just more comfortable with the second. Good luck! Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

August 20, 2003
It's always good to get different opinions. I myself got 3. Since you've seen this one first, have them submit the paperwork for approval. If you get denied then you can have another surgeon request approval. The good thing is that if the 1st surgeon gets approval and you decide to go with a different surgeon, the surgeon that you do decide to go with can just request the approval change from the other surgeon to them and that same approval just transfers to the new surgeon.
   — Lynette B.

August 20, 2003
I agree with the others. I just had a facelift and brow lift but had consulted with almost a dozen plastic surgeons. While that might seem excessive, I didn't want to undergo such a major surgery without feeling confident in my dr. Unlike you I wasn't that comfortable with the first surgeons I saw so I kept going. I think the suggestion to see 3 or at least 2 is a good one. Just know you've done your homework. As surgery approaches, most people start second guessing their decision. If you know yours is well-informed, it will help with the pre-surgery jitters as the day nears. Best of luck to you.
   — susanje

August 20, 2003
I agree with the others. Go to the other PS. He might have a better way of doing things then the first doctor. I would let the 2nd PS know that you've already got paperwork submitted to your insurance company to try and get approved. This way, he doesn't waste his time sending in duplicate paperwork. Out of sheer curiousity, did they quote you a price on the body lift? If so, how much was it? How long will you remain in the hospital?
   — Patty H.

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