Can someone please help me think of ways to raise money for WLS? I have no equity, and have called voc. rehab in idaho. I don't have good credit because my husband decided that fatherhood wasn't something he was good at and therefore left to get a "fresh start". I applied for patient financing, but don't qualify. I am struggling to catch up on everything, I've got to find a way to self-pay. I've been a stay at home mom, but I can and will work. What employers have insurance to cover WLS? I have no idea where to begin, but I want my baby girl to have a healthy and strong (in body and spirit), INDEPENDENT mother. Thanks for taking the time to read this, Annie — annie W. (posted on August 9, 2003)
August 9, 2003
I have no ideas but would like to give you encouragement, I understand how
you must feel. If you can find a job with benefits that would be the best
start. Best of luck, Annie, I hope you find a good solution.
— Zena K.
August 9, 2003
Annie, my best advice would be to look at which insurers in Utah are
approving WLS without a problem. Think about where you'd like to work,
what kind of work you would enjoy and apply there. Once you have an
interview you can find out what kind of health insurance they offer. Try
to stay away from small businesses as they tend to be self-insured and have
more written exclusions on their policies. Good luck!
— antiques55
August 9, 2003
Oops, meant to say Idaho. :)
— antiques55
August 9, 2003
Hi! I know that Home Depot pays for WLS. You could work in the office or
something. Good Luck!
— Mandybub
August 9, 2003
it really sucks, doesn't it, annie? mine won't pay either, and while i am
going to appeal, i don't have much hope. i would be better off being a
junkie, need psychiatric help, being an alchoholic or child abuser, because
then they would be happy to pay for all the rehab i want. but we have a
disorder that people so disapprove of they just can't get beyond our looks.
god forbid i should be fat AND a junkie, huh? i will let them know in my
appeal that this is discrimination and that i will seek legal advice to
prove it. i wish the best of luck to you and would love to know if you
succeed! darci
— darci T.
August 9, 2003
Darci....did you ever live in Florida?
— michelle T.
August 10, 2003
Have you thought about getting a job at the hospital where you will have
surgery? Most hospitals that do bariatric surgery are larger facilities
and thus big employers. Most hospitals give employees significant
discounts on any surgery they have at the facility they work for. I don't
know what your skills are, but just about anyone could work at a hospital.
They have needs in laundry, housekeeping, dietary, office type work, file
clerk, switch board operator, etc., etc. Hope this helps.
— Lisa Marie C.
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