17 days until surgery and freaking out....

Really freaking out. With a BMI of 35.1, maybe I shouldnt be having this surgery. Anyone out there having severe 2nd thoughts.....?    — tia S. (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
Yes, I have talked myself in and out of surgery a few times. Maybe it is good that I've had about five months with a surgery date set, so I can really consider...then again someone posted about ignorance being bliss and not researching/thinking too much. It's too late for that for me,though. I even read in the gallery about the people who had died within hours/days/weeks after this surgery. That freaked me out for about two weeks. But I am back to seriously considering surgery. ARE YOU GOING OUT OF THE COUNTRY FOR SURGERY? I was just wondering because of your BMI. Have you looked into the band or other options? In the end, it is up to you. Good luck!
   — Caryn R.

August 1, 2003
i bmi of 35 is very low. do you have other medical problems? if not and you don't feel comfortable with the surgery you shouldn't do it. you must feel 100% sure this is what you want for you. you will be changing your body forever and that is not to be taken lightly. remember FOREVER is a long time. good luck to you in whatever you do.
   — franbvan

August 1, 2003
I know exactly how you feel on the "thinking" tip... I am 6 days away from surgery and it just seems "daunting" to me. I saw a program on television last night about this woman who had the surgery and was still 500 lbs. I have been doing a steady weight loss since January of this year and my BMI may be below 40 right now too. I am not sure... I need to check a calculator... but I do know this much... I still have not been below 200 lbs since I was a teenager and I just keep thinking that maybe... MAYBE I will see below 200 lbs... once in my life. MAYBE I will be the correct weight for my height... once in my life. Don't freak out because you can't make your decisions if you are "bugging". Try to stay calm and think. God Bless you and good LUCK. I know one thing... scared as I am... August 6th I am going for surgery. God will take care.
   — Eleanore Davis

August 1, 2003
It is a good thing to consider this surgery and reconsider if you have any doubts. I started researching it 3 years ago and chickened out at that time. It was not the right time and there was not a local doctor that did it. I since found a local doctor that did it lap, and I had it almost 12 weeks and 64lbs ago. I am thrilled I did it but I had the very same anxiety issues that most pre-ops have. The only thing that kept me wanting to go through with it were the hopeless diet failures I had been through. God bless a and lead you in your decision making.
   — Happy I.

August 1, 2003
As the others said, this is a life-long commitment. There's no turning back. It's a marvelous toll, but it's not for everyone. Have you seriously examined the source of your anxiety? It's normal to be nervous about the unknown, to be concerned about surgery itself, and possible complications. But, is your uneasiness something else? Perhaps if you could identify why you might be changing your mind, it will give you the answer to whether you should go ahead or not. Only you can decide this, but please be sure before you do it. Many of us (including me) had to think about the surgery before years before we were ready for it. You have to be absolutely comitted to it--it's a matter of your future health. (My obesity became a matter of my future health, too, to the point where surgery was the clear response for me, but if it's not the clear solution for you, I urge youto wait.)
   — Vespa R.

August 1, 2003
Honestly I have been worried off and on I think that is probably normal, but then again my BMI is 55, and I have a couple co-morbs too. You didn't say if you had any or not, honestly if my BMI was only 35 and I didn't have problems I wouldn't feel the need to do it!
   — Saxbyd

August 3, 2003
I went to your profile and you have no height or weight. Anywho, personaly I would'nt have WLS with a BMI of 35, but it's up to you. It is such an awesome life long change that frankly are just not worth it for only a few pounds. Example for my height, approximately 35 more pounds would make me a 35 BMI. Knowing what I know now about wls, would I do it to lose around 35 lbs? NO WAY! But it is your life and body. You may have some very good reasons to consider it that none of us know about. But wls is just to drastic for a few pounds and a "life time" of never having your guts normal again. I tried everything to lose my weight and could'nt. Even so, there are times I mourn that I had to do wls. I'm not sorry i had wls, but I mourn the changes and the "NEVERMORE" of wls. Once things are changed, they are changed... until death. You will never be the same person "physically" again. I'd love to eat my guts out for holidays again. (The rest of the time I could care less). But that never will be again. NEVER. What an awesome word. What an awesome change. I was ready for the changes as I knew my body could'nt go on much longer without wls. Yet, it is still very hard. Be sure NOW. It is permanate.
   — Danmark

August 3, 2003
I had a BMI of 42, and now my BMI is 23. So, I was considered a relative "lightweight". My life is so wonderful now, that I would have WLS every year if it was necessary to maintain this normal weight. Yes, I've had to make some changes to my eating. But, they are changes that are healthy for me, and they feel good to me. I'm healthier than I've ever been. I am only sorry I waited so long to get the RNY.
   — Kathy J.

August 3, 2003
It's hard for folks with higher BMI's to think your eally need this surgery with a BMI of 35.1. I am assuming you have some co-morbid conditions, too. Should you wait a couple of years until your BMI is 40? Possibly until a co-morbid condition worsens - then have surgery? Of course not! In my humble opinion, you should do it now while you have relatively good health and a lower chance of complications!
   — koogy

August 4, 2003
Due to the strict guidelines of hospitals and surgeons when it comes to gastric bypass, I'm pretty sure that if you didn't need this, they wouldn't be willing to perform it. I checked your profile, but you've not posted anything, so it's hard to really say "Sure, go for it!" without knowing anything about YOUR specific co-morbids. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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