Can you take family leave along with short term disabilty.
I work for the state of GA and I can't get a straight answer from hr or my benefits coordinator. I would like to use both if i can since I'm paying for short term disablity I might as well take advantage of it along with any other leave since the recovery time is never known — shae7755 (posted on July 30, 2003)
July 30, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma"> I think it
really depends on who your employeer is and what their policies state, but
as for me, I took 3 weeks of short term disability along with FMLA. The
STD is what paid me while I was gone, and the FMLA is what made sure my job
would still be around when I got back.
<br>Good Luck! <I>~~Wendy D~~ 4/23/03 RNY, -73
— Wendy D P.
July 30, 2003
Obviously it would depend on your employer. But for me I had to take a week
using my own PTO, then the short term disability took over. I, too, thought
I would love being home, but after 4 weeks, I was ready to come back to
work! :)
— Denise D.
July 30, 2003
Family Medical Leave is a Federal law. Eligilibity requirement are that
you have been employed with your current employer for 12 month and
physically worked 1250 hours during the previous 12 month period. FML runs
concurrent with paid leave, unpaid leave or disability entitlements. Some
employers enhance the benefits provided by FML (making it better than the
minimum requirements governed by the FMLA). You are only entitled to 12
work week during a 12 month period.
— Brenda H.
July 31, 2003
It is my understanding (and I work in benefits) that the family leave act
provides you with UNPAID time off. So, unless your employer pays you for
this, it really would not make a difference if you take it the same time as
short term disability. Perhaps your employer needs you to submit
"family leave act" if you are not taking sick time and you are
not taking vacation. That way they have a category to stick you under.
You should most definately apply for short term disability which usually
kicks in 7 days after the first date of disbility (at least that's the case
in California) Best of luck to you!
— MissKimberly
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